Thursday, November 11th, 2004

Guest: Jason Bateman

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.00 (34 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the TV show Arrested Development

There is a high pitched buzzing in the background of the recording.

Adam congratulates Jason on the success of Arrested Development.

Jason hints at a minor substance abuse problem during the lean years of his career.

Drew is immediately confused on how many LL appearances Jason and Will have made.

Will was supposed to be on this episode but he was sick.

Adam goes off on the 5 emmys the show won but Jason explains that it doesn't mean much without viewers.

Jason is very honest about the shows low ratings and the new time slot for the show.

Adam goes off on Nicolette Sheridan dating Leaf Garrett back in the day.

Jason is sick but came in anyway, Drew gets bleeped for using the word Pussy in context of Pussy Willow.

A caller wants to know how Adam did on celebrity Black Jack, Jason warns him not to tell the results before it airs because he could be sued, this transitions to a celebrity poker/black jack rant where Adam goes off on how serious everyone takes these tournaments.

Awesome classic rant, very 2004!

Jason brings up the AD casts appearance on Celebrity Poker and how Jenny Garth(90210) and her husband Peter Facinelli had a poker coach who was giving hand signals from the audience and how the guy had to be removed because they were cheating.

Will is mocked for No-showing throughout the show.

Adam is bleeped for using ASSHOLE, then he goes of on the dog can't smell his own S' adage.

Lots of fecal matter discussion.

Adam goes off on his grandma's friend who claimed he talked about fecal matter for 40min straight and Adam recounts how he informed her it was impossible because there is no show that exists that goes 40minutes without a commercial.

Adam explains how he likes to have his good hand free while wiping his ass in case he has to ward off a trouble maker or fight somebody.

Jason "..beat him off with a plunger"

Adam discusses whizzing on ants and how he finds it cathartic.

Jason is mystified and Drew explains Adam's weird thing about enjoying the destruction of civilizations, the penis attacking the snow globe is used as an example.

Jason confesses to whizzing in the sink.

Adam "..I don't like the idea that I touched my mom's vagina....there's no loofah big enough"

Adam invents the vaginal liner which leads to a discussion on how the female condom never caught on.

16 year old Billy Moses calls in at 32:00 begging Anderson to return to the LL companion website.

Adam recounts why they were removed from the Hawaiian affiliate in detail.

Adam goes off on Hawaii(yes!!!!!!!).

Billy wants to know what steps he needs to take in order to get in to broadcasting and eventually take over for Adam.

Adam "..that could be sooner than you think"(ominous)

Adam lets Billy attempt to take a call, a foreskin question.

Billy is awful and attempts to give up immediately.

Billy "get uncircumcised"

Adam and Drew go off on nutty people who obsess over their foreskin and the try and restore it.

Adam "..society becomes their canvas for which they can rub their crap on to"

Adam goes off on the ACLU.

An appearance of Chief Thunderbear for Heidi's vagina related question.

The gang discusses abuse victims and how it affects their lives.

A scary sounding man named Eric claims to be Jason's "biggest straight fan", he discusses his fear of AD being canceled.

Adam goes off on people who claim to be the biggest fan and how he will decide who is his biggest fan and how it's insulting to the person your claiming to be a fan of.

That Helmet is not a chair!

Adam brings up Brian Grazer and Ron Howard and their involvement in Arrested Development.

Another caller bring ups Anal Sex.

Drew reveals he has never tried Anal sex and how it would never occur to him.

Jason reveals he has given it but never received.

Rebeca "I don't want to be sodomized"

Adam and drew go off on how flawed the logic of "you don't know if you will like something unless you try it" is.

A porn star named Michelle calls in and brag about her career and all the women she has worked with.

Adam does an awesome impression of her and comments on how much he likes a "salty porn star".

Adam and Drew discuss their upcoming calender signing and then Anderson plays too many drops including a crying baby at a very loud volume which interrupts and wrecks the flow of the story/jag.

(shitty work by Anderson, he was often great but this one of the many shows where he is not very good, possibly do to his drug/alcohol use.)

They continue to talk to intoxicated Michelle for about 20 minutes.

Adam goes off on how cool it was when you were a kid if you found out somebody's dad had made a record and how it is almost meaningless now because anyone can do it.

A great round of Ace accordian countdown, a rare bonus round is done because of the inconclusive results of the 1st round.

Adam goes off on Jason's "pregnancy glow" at the emmys.

A female caller named Kara proclaims her love for Jason but how she can't stand Arrested Development because she doesn't like the other actors(stupid cunt) and then she goes on to say she has seen "the Sweetest thing" over 50 times.

Jason "..that's far too many...that was retarded!"

Kara is not very smart.

Adam "...if you were the kind of person who saw fit to see it 50 times...possibly, you would not be what we call a connoisseur of comedy"

Great calls!

Adam wishes Rape on Will for not showing up.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 41.69 MB

Length: 1:31:05

Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR

Comments (10)

  1. knucklhd

    It took me all of 30 seconds to find out that the pornstar they were talking to for 20 minutes was “Daisy Chain” (lol!), If only engineeress Michelle or Anderson could have hooked us up with some good radio…seems like they had google back then.

  2. JMoriarty

    1:03:33 Adam has a funny conversation with an older adult actress, and ponders what a blind first date with Pornstar Daisy would sound like.

    “I’ve worked with Jenine!!”

    “Uh… Okay..”

    “I was in Violation 3!!”

    “Uh… Herb just thought we might…. get along..”


    Adam: “I’ve deemed you- not sane, but so insane that therapy would be useless.”

    Great show.

  3. matty

    This ep illustrates my biggest issue with the Ranchero Countdown: it’s so easy to get the accordion confused with the horn section in the cacophony of terrible ranchero sounds. I’m surprised no one else really mentioned that before

  4. iowaandy

    I like Jason but he was under the weather this show so his involvement/energy level is a bit low. Understandable. Adam does his best to keep the show afloat but I think it was only okay overall.

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Calls & Tags (11)

  • call



    Jim, M, 21

    GF of 5 years. Sex dropped off 2-3 times per month after going on the pill. She put weight on. Time to move on. Bateman had an 8 yr GF - ow!



  • call



    Dell, M, 20

    Cuts himself. New girl cuts too. They try to stop each other. Drew: good now but will double the trouble later.


  • call



    Zach, M, 16

    Asks about Adam's celebrity poker tourney. Adam: celebs are pain in ass. Jason was in one with cheating. Adam hates folks being too serious.


  • call



    Eddie, M, 25

    Jason works in plug! He and GF both have Herpes. Pregnant and wants to know risks. Meds and C-section. Adam: Vagaliner invention.


  • call



    William, M

    LovelineCompanion website. Asks Anderson back. Rant on losing Hawaiian station. How to get into broadcasting - handles call. Call in call!


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    Eddie, M

    Uncircumcised. Must use a condom due to discomfort. Wise to circumcise. Dude!


  • call



    heidi, F

    Chief Thunderbear helps with Heidi's Anal Sex Question


  • call



    Yaya, F, 17

    Abused by men. Starting to have lesbian sex - am I lesbian? Drew: Yep. Man abuse man, man digs dick. Man abuse woman, woman hate dick.tada!



  • call



    Eric, M, 24

    Biggest straight Jason fan.


  • call



    Rebecca, F, 25

    What's in anal sex for female? Drew doesn't get it. Jason has done but not rcvd. How do you know till you try it? We can pretty well guess.

    anal sex


  • call



    Rebecca, F

    Wants to know everyone's opinions on anal sex "since [she's] sure they've all had it."


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