Wednesday, July 30th, 2003

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.92 (35 votes)

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Show Summary:

Adam "I think the Peanut butter killed the tarantula last night.."

Drew "well now we know how to kill a tarantula"

Adam describes the past days drama regarding the tarantula, Adam " is now raping my wife...that tarantula would want me to get on with my life"

Adam really delves into the scene of finding the dead spider, its good stuff.

Lots of politics talk relating to California state policy and in particular the Gray Davis controversy, Drew raps the Missy Elliott bump in once again which then leads into more discussion of Adam's hypothetical gubernatorial race.

Adam "..There's going to be reclining, reacharounds..."

Drew "..huh oh"

Adam and Drew spend most of the night taking calls and weaving back into political discussion until just after the 1hr mark when they launch into the longest description of their fantasy gay lifestyle ever.

Adam just waxes on about how wonderful their gay home would be and how much extra cash they would have, Drew keeps throwing in ideas too, it's so f'ing funny.

Towards the end of the show there is one of the best all time smoke detector calls, a young woman named Margarie who's smoke detector has been going off for over a year.

Tons of hilarity from just this one call.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 42.20 MB

Length: 1:32:11

Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR

Comments (14)

  1. larkoski10

    Adam “You had sex with him in April and thats the last time?”
    Caller “Only time.”
    Adam “Only time…what you didn’t like it?”
    Caller “No, I just moved.”
    Adam “You moved…you had a bowel movement?”


  2. Landlubber

    Sadly, the tarantula saga comes to an abrupt end this night, as Adam either indirectly killed it by putting it in an old paint bucket with lingering fumes, or directly killed it by feeding it peanut butter. That was its last meal. Could be a peanut allergy. We’ll never know. Drew rejoices at its demise as it means they can actually take some calls that don’t get dominated by tarantula talk.

    A girl calls in who apparently called recently with a problem and she’s giving an update. Having not heard her original call, it’s hilarious to hear her out of context update:

    Adam: “Kelsie, you’re 15?”

    Kelsie: “Yeah, remember, I called sometime last week my grandma had the one leg?”

    Adam/Drew: “……yeah that’s right.”

    Kelsie: “I just wanted to tell you guys thank you because it turns out I’m not pregnant and the next day I got into counseling for my grandma and all the stuff she did.”

    lol, wtf?

    She moves on to implore Adam to run for Governor of Oklahoma (as he talks a lot in this episode about running for Governor of California).

    Kelsie: “By the way, how’s your tarantula?”

    Adam/Drew: “ohhhhh, bad topic.”

    Adam and Drew realize that in the new studio, the air conditioning seems to shut down right when the mics heat up. This leads Adam on a mini rant about the old Westwood None Studios and how he hopes it’s on fire right now. He wants a meteor to land directly on the building and demolish it completely. He doesn’t want to see rubble, just a big smoldering crater. He will systematically fill the crater with his own shit over the course of 6-9 years, and that is the only thing that shall fill the crater. He will then affix a plaque that says “Rest in Hell” to his shit-filled crater that once was Westwood None.

  3. Landlubber

    Girl’s smoke detector has been beeping for over a year and Adam is incensed. He always makes the argument that if the smoke detector has enough battery power to chirp it should have enough to just keep functioning. When they ask the girl how long it’s been chirping and she says for over a year, he loses it. HOW LOW CAN THE BATTERY BE IF IT’S BEEN CHIRPING FOR A YEAR??!!?!?! lol.

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Calls & Tags (6)

  • call



    Jessica, F, 14, Guthrie, OK

    Very dumb caller. Wants to tell grandmother she's bisexual after having sex with a girl. Her motivations for this are suspect, as usual.


  • call



    Angela, F, 22

    Worried that prostitution is taking a toll on her. Wants to know why she's engaging in this behavior.

    physical abuse by parent prostitution sex addiction sexual abuse by parent


  • call



    Sarah, F, 22

    Doesn't know where she got chlamydia.

    other STDs


  • call



    Ashley, F, 18

    Has been with her teenage fiancé for 14 months. She's experienced, he was a virgin. He wants to sleep with other people.

    abusive/absent mother adoption dating physical abuse by parent


  • call



    Marjorie, F, 21

    Intimacy issues, nothing arouses her. Bonus irony: smoke detector going off in background



  • call



    Kimberly, M, 25

    Dating guy for 5 years, not getting commitment and not attracted to him anymore and feels he's lazy.

    codependency dating


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