Wednesday, December 11th, 2002

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.97 (31 votes)

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Show Summary:

Anderson plays the White Stripes, Adam complains about them, people who like whatever's hip at the moment; Frank from Long Island calls in; Landlord Al stories; kid whispers throughout call, Adam puts embarrassing words in his mouth.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 41.89 MB

Length: 1:31:30

Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR

Comments (19)

  1. generalgk

    Adam kicks off the show threatening to drop trou.

    Anderson plays the song that Adam hears when he walks in the bar.

    Adam and Drew make some great deductions with callers including knowing that a young woman went to jr college even though she lied and said university.

    Frankie Camero calls in to set Adam straight about red light cameras and extend the saga of his family affair.

    Adam tells the story of his landlord Al and his dog Skipper.

    A caller got his girlfriend pregnant and she’s now with another guy who wants to raise it as his own once it’s born and the caller would rather have the baby aborted.

  2. pastahero

    Anderson plays the White Stripes, Adam complains about them, people who like whatever’s hip at the moment; Frank from Long Island calls in; Landlord Al stories; kid whispers throughout call, Adam puts embarrassing words in his mouth.

  3. bigspanj42

    this is a really good show, great daddy issue calls from adam and drew 8min in,

    retarded co-dependent who couldn’t call her dad an alcoholic even though he “goes out and parties everynight”, but he never said he was an alcoholic, so she can’t call him one.

    Great eating disorder call by drew at 22:00

    hilarious whisper call at 1:22:00

    Real good show, worth a re-listen if you have some free time this weekend

  4. Landlubber

    Ugh. New York Frank is back for more. His first call about banging his girlfriend’s mom was interesting, his follow up where he said he didn’t take the guys advice and went ahead with banging the mom was funny, but do we need to make the guy a regular? I wonder if anyone who’s ever had a conversation with this guy has finished a sentence…ever.

  5. wataki2

    Im sorry but why do they keep talking about the Morning After Pill as if its a panacea?? Wouldnt “The Pill” be that already? So we need the Depo-Provera shot plus Condoms Plus The Morning After Pill??
    We already have damn near perfect birth control programs out there already, the real problem is that these folks that get knocked up are just f*cked up people.

  6. Landlubber

    Wataki, there is no such thing as a “perfect” birth control program, and the morning after pill needs to exist for the very reason you stated; some of the people getting knocked up are fucked up people. Do you want them spawning children?

    And not everyone who needs the morning after pill is a fucked up loser. If a girl is on birth control and takes it responsibly for years on end, but for whatever reason misses a day, she should have the option to get the morning after pill. Missing a day is a simple mistake. Have you ever locked your keys in your car, or dialed a wrong number? Stubbed your toe? You didn’t intend to do it.

  7. iowaandy

    Sleeper classic. New York Frank is kind of meh but some good calls. In the last 20 minutes there is a 20-year old guy that would rather his ex have an abortion than someone else raise the child. At the end, they start talking about how football players talk in yards and the guys estimate how far Adam is from Anderson. Adam says 6 and is right, Drew said 9, Anderson 10.
    Earlier, they also briefly talk about how Anderson got into being a board op.

  8. knucklhd

    So this is virginia, but it may be California too. The two pictures believe it or not is to give them some discretion. You trigger the camera crossing the line, and that’s the first one. But you may blow thru it, or you may stop 5 or 10 ft into the intersection, and that’s where the discretion and the second picture comes in. If you go 8 or 10 in, they might not give you the ticket, but they might. If you blow it you’re definitely getting it. They’re trying to see if you try to stop

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Calls & Tags (5)

  • call



    Kelly, F

    Boyfriend is in rehab. Is talking to another guy who proposed. Both live out of town. Father drank every night but isn't an alcoholic.

    addict parents addiction long-distance

  • call



    Sarah, F, 20

    Was raped at a party, but doesn't think she was raped. Feels like it was her fault.


  • call



    Rachel, F, 20, Santa Barbara, CA?

    Had sex for the first time in a long time and started bleeding. Seems to have a hard time hearing the hosts, or is super dumb.

    comment for host junior college/community college period/PMS

  • call



    Frank, M, New York

    Calls with information about red light cameras. Trying to stop having sex with his girlfriend and her mom. Now has a new girl.

    comment for host

  • call



    Jay, M, 14

    Wants to get his eye brow pierced. He's whispering in his closet, and Adam "translates" for Drew.


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