Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Guest: Sevendust

Host: Adam, Dr. Bruce Heischober

3.74 (25 votes)

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Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: ?

Size: 21.22 MB

Length: 1:32:43

Bitrate: 32kb/s CBR

Comments (5)

  1. Dr. Bruce is 15 minutes late because he was pulled over. The cop recognized him, and let him go because he “had to spend 2 hours with Adam Carolla”. Then Adam has a field day with Drew Drops including the Dr. Drew Boogie.

    There’s a Mason Jar call early on.

    I like Sevendust’s music but good god are they hicks. When Anderson played the “hillbilly song”, they started cheering like it was their theme song. Then Morgan admitted that his dad dated his ex girlfriend.

  2. JayTDogzone

    The best part of this show is around 20 minutes in. A girl calls in and talks about using a candle to masturbate. When she gives her sexual history (“two guys so far”) Adam asks “Who was it the butcher and the baker?” This had to have been one of my favorite of Ace’s greatest unsung moments because neither the guests nor Dr. Spaz crack up about it at all but I almost crashed my car when he said it. Despite missing Drew the show is actually pretty good, but then again I always enjoy Adam abusing Bruce.

  3. BMacC

    I wish Drew woulda been there to tear apart caller Kerry @ ~0:58:00, the quintessential douche….completely dismissed recovery process, referred to it as “garbage” haha, Dr. Bruce was just sad sack of nothing, band was cool though!

  4. tobyb9393

    Severely underrated show. Sevendust are great guests, and their one of the very few bands who’s songs I don’t skip on their appearances. Though there aren’t very many memorable calls persay..this is still a very enjoyable show.

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    Kerry, M

    Came up + on drug screen for work, is pissed-off he has to use vacation-time for an "NA class" and test clean before coming back to work.


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