Thursday, June 12th, 1997 - #445

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.91 (40 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #445 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
06/12/1997 – Thursday Night Show
Source – XJosh VHS Archive (2024) with Kevin Tape (2014) Patches

This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Adam opens the show discussing the lack of talent of Don Ho, the guest scheduled for CLL #446, that show is still missing from the archive sadly but Don did indeed show up that Sunday. Adam has a strange reveal/joke about a Sonny Bono concert, a rare telling of the Weas ‘Pie Story’ and Adam and Drew have a great back and forth with caller Liz before trying to get callers to drop the “I have a question for Dr. Drew” preamble. Adam jokes that people are getting their “cassettes poised” to record the episode with Don, his ironic comment would prove to be prophetic, nobody has a tape of #446, not even an official copy from the studio.


Show contains: The Weez pie stories

Adam starts the show talking about Don Ho coming in on Sunday night. After asking Ann if he's going to hear this, he describes him as being talentless but still is looking forward to seeing him. Drew mentions he likes it when they have guests who wouldn't be expected to do the show actually come on.

An email from "C Cup" says she saw him at the HSF Fest. She goes on to insult Adam and says he is sometimes lame and looks like her weird neighbor. Another email requests the Dr. Drew shuffle and Tim the Russian Rapper. Adam tells the story of his catholic little brother and his friend Tim. Engineer Mike dumps the bad words and Adam does his impression of Tim. Drew wants Adam to track down Tim and Nate. Apparently the two split after Adam stopped taking them places.

Tom Arnold and Toad the Wet Sprocket are coming up next week.

26 year-old Steve has an ex-girlfriend who is 40. Adam announces he is going to do the entire show as Tim the Russian Rapper but Drew immediately protests. Now Steve is seeing a 19 year-old as well as the ex. Drew explains he can't stay with one person and is always moving on. Steve asks if he can be considered a candidate for Adam's vasectomy program. Adam states Dr. Marcel is also on there.

Debbie, 17 takes too long to ask her question and is put on hold.

Demetri, 21 has started doing ecstasy and wants to know what it can do to his brain. Drew says some heavy users he has seen are untreatable from so much brain damage. Drew gets fired up about people worrying about serotonin levels while they should be worried about death.

Caller Debbie, 17 is back from being on hold. She had sex with one of her teachers. The call gets cut short fir Adam to clear up why and how people will be hung up on. Using "huhhh" and then restating the question is now and automatic dump. Drew calls Debbie bogus. Adam takes over as the "Busty blonde Nazi" and Debbie turns into a smart-ass. Debbie went dancing with her teacher and was then invited up to his apartments. The man is 26 years old. After another minute it's revealed that the call was bogus and Drew was correct.

Yesterday Drew spoke to 35 high school students at the commencement at his Alma matter.

Liz calls in asking why a guy won't return her calls. Adam starts messing wither her and Drew joins in, spitting out medical terms to confuse her. They try to get the guy on the air but have no luck. However, they pretend they did get a hold of him and the phones are screwed up so only Adam and Drew can hear him therefore, Adam must repeat everything Jed says so the listeners know what he's saying. Liz goes along with it for quite a while. Adam tries to make a Jew joke during the call but says he swears on a stack of Menorahs instead of a stack of Torahs.

Producer Ann chimes in with a fax she's reading about herself. Adam makes fun of her husband in a mocking voice saying he probably sent it in. Ann does the same, talking about Adam's mom.

Caller Regina is a horrible caller. Drops the "F" word, has no real question, takes too long to respond and can't answer any questions. Her bad attitude makes Adam point out how women who have called in recently are more hostile and nuttier than usual.

Drew asks if it is a full moon night. He keeps getting paged and has a lot of patients being admitted tonight.

Caller Bobby is a squirrelly 14 year-old with an STD question.

Mike, 25 says his wife is really attracted to Dr. Drew. Next he says she drinks a 12-pack of beer every single night. She only weighs 115lbs. Mike has to buy her a 36 pack every 3 days. One time he didn't buy it and she attacked him with a bottle opener. Luckily Mike is smart enough to not have children with her. Drew says she needs to get into treatment and Mike needs to go to a codependency program.

A caller by the name of Alex is scared because her parents smoke weed. The parents get along fine and have no problems with working. Adam and Drew say she should tell them how she feels about it. Adam says he knew her mom was smoking weed because her friends were named Happy, Sunshine and Zorback. Drew predicts Happy and Sunshine were into LSD. Who knows what Zorback was getting into.

Adam talks about The Weez. Apparently whenever he broke up with a girl he would throw a $9 pie in her face. One time a girl who had heard about the pie thing came over, suspicious that the Weez had a pie ready for her. He actually hid the pie on a truck, went for a walk with the girl, stopped by the truck and threw it in her face. Adam would always get depressed about the loss of the pies. One time he actually ate a pie off the driveway. He goes on to say he once ate See's chocolate egg that was sitting on someone's window ledge for four months and another time he ate beef stew out of a dog bowl.

Caller Michael asks about paternity testing. His ex-wife claims to have his kid but it is mathematically impossible. Michael is a pizza delivery guy as a second job. Adam discusses with him what a good tip would be.

The Dr. Drew Shuffle is played. Another Out Of Context Drew Drop is played. A clip from scary sounding caller on last night's show is played also.

Adam and Drew want to put and end to the "This question is for Drew, but Adam you can hop in also if you want," nonsense all the callers put at the top of their call.

Recording Info:

Added: 5/20/2024

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 181.90 MB

Length: 1:37:21

Bitrate: 256kb/s CBR

Comments (13)

  1. mixiearmadillo

    15 year-old Melanie calls between hostile Regina and squirrelly Bobby. She’s pretty squirrelly, too. Not entirely sure what her question was, either. She’s having trouble asking guys out, and keeps insisting her looks are fine. Adam gives her a pep-talk about how all 15 year old kids go through awkward personality stages and develops a metaphor about girls learning to walk on high heels.

  2. mixiearmadillo

    (pre-Weez conversation) Renee, 17, is dating her brother’s best friend. She tells a long and rambling story with a few weird asides (“my brother aint gay”, “right now I’m in Pueblo, Colorado…”) but the gist of it is he had sex with her best friend and they want revenge on him. Drew gives her a pep talk about standing up for herself and asserting her feelings.

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