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The right formulas for cleaning discolored Vinyl flooring


The vinyl floors can become discolored because of so many reasons: sunlight, moisture, hot water, chemical reactions, mildew and mold, incorrectly applied adhesives… When your vinyl floor is in this stage, you may feel like any cleaning solution can harm your floor. But Meredith Smith – the resident Associate Editor of TheKingLive – said that there are many formulas you can use to safely clean your vinyl floor when it gets discolored. Let’s find out how.


The Dish soap


Dish soap is the easiest and safest thing you can use to clean discolored vinyl floors. Making this solution is super simple too. Just mix 1/4 teaspoon of dish soap with one cup of warm water in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to the discolored areas of your vinyl floor. Then, mop the floor and use a dry cloth to wipe it up and you’re done.


The Bleach


Bleach may sound like an unfriendly chemical to use on the already affected vinyl floor. But if you know the right formula, it’ll become a very effective solution to treat your discolored vinyl floor. Mix one part bleach to ten parts water in a bucket. Apply the solution to the affective spots and rinse with water immediately. Finish off by wiping the spots with a clean cloth. Don’t forget to wear rubber gloves to protect your hand from irritation. If you don’t like the smell, you can also wear a mask for extra protection.


The Cream of Tartar


The cream of Tartar is an unfamiliar solution in the How to clean discolored Vinyl flooring: A comprehensive guide post so not many people know how to use it. But the process is quite simple, to be honest. Make a thick paste by adding water to this powder, then you can rub it directly on the affected area. After 30 minutes wipe the paste off with a sponge and mop the floor like usual.


The Lemon and soda


Lemon and soda can be found easily in any home’s kitchen. They can brighten your vinyl floor easily like how they lighten your hair and skin. If you have these ingredients available at home, try this formula: add one part of baking soda to two parts of lemon juice. The solution should turn paste-like when all the soda has dissolved. Apply the mixture to the discolored parts and wait 15 minutes. Then you can clean it off with a damp cloth or towel.


Check This Out:


How to clean discolored Vinyl flooring the right way


How to clean discolored Vinyl flooring safely and effectively


The Rubbing alcohol


Rubbing alcohol is the last solution if you find other methods not working on your vinyl floor. Using rubbing alcohol is easy, but you need to sweep/vacuum the floor first to prevent scratching. Pour rubbing alcohol on the affected spots and start rubbing with a cloth in a circular motion. Repeat this step until you see the affected spots turn back to the original color. The rubbing alcohol will evaporate quickly so all you have to do to finish things off is dry mop your vinyl floor.


You can check out the original post to learn more interesting information about discolored vinyl floors like how it happens and how to prevent this disaster. If you find this guide helpful, don’t forget to check out other posts written by Meredith like how to dispose of vacuum cleaner on the TheKingLive website.