stevenbeson started the topic A caller who admits to using a fake name or anonymizes voice? in the forum Help Me Find… 2 years, 4 months ago
I’m looking for any call where someone has admitted their calling in with a fake name or that even used a voice machine or something to disguise the sound of their voice. Anyone know if this has happened on one of the tapes?
stevenbeson changed their profile picture 2 years, 4 months ago
stevenbeson started the topic Can anyone suggest a recording that is very lo-fi? in the forum Help Me Find… 2 years, 4 months ago
I’m looking for a recording that gives the listener the feeling that they’re listening to a tape recording. Hiss, crackling, all that good stuff is exactly what I’m looking for. Anyone have anything that comes to mind?
stevenbeson started the topic New Loveline Caller Community – Facebook in the forum Personal Stories 10 years, 7 months ago
Hey so we’re putting together a community on Facebook for people who have called in to Loveline, please head over there and give it a like! Message the page with your story, we’d love to share it! Also a great place for Classic Loveline fans, we’ll be posting a bunch of “Best Of” type stuff too.
stevenbeson started the topic New Loveline Caller Community – Facebook in the forum General Talk About Loveline 10 years, 7 months ago
Hey so we’re putting together a community on Facebook for people who have called in to Loveline, please head over there and give it a like! Message the page with your story, we’d love to share it! Also a great place for Classic Loveline fans, we’ll be posting a bunch of “Best Of” type stuff too.