Can anyone suggest a recording that is very lo-fi?

Topic Can anyone suggest a recording that is very lo-fi?

Home Community Help Me Find… Can anyone suggest a recording that is very lo-fi?

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  • #48290 Score: 1
    1 pt

    I’m looking for a recording that gives the listener the feeling that they’re listening to a tape recording. Hiss, crackling, all that good stuff is exactly what I’m looking for. Anyone have anything that comes to mind?

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #51605 Score: 0


    #51619 Score: 0
    1 pt

    Some of the original Tobydog transfers or old 16kbps recordings might be what you are looking for. Ironically Giovanni has been upgrading/transferring/retransferring most of the subpar quality files over the last several years to replace the lo-fi stuff. Send me a message and I might be able to help you.

    -Adam D.

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