
  • Sessh replied to the topic Drop Origin List/Directory in the forum Wish List 7 years ago

    Here’s a list I compiled myself, but it’s still a work in progress. It’s something, though.

    1996-01-22: Three Drew drop origin’s used in the Boogie and Shuffle one right after the other. “This guy is an asshole!”, “Can I say that?” and “Stuff like this makes me sick!”

    1996-02-01: Origin of Adam’s “I love schlong!” drop.
    1996-06-17: Origin of…[Read more]

  • .. to keep the site catalog updated with what Gio has been releasing. There are still shows here that were relased months ago on Gio’s podcast that are still not up on LLT. This is the biggest flaw with this site is that it is not kept up to date with all the recent shows that are being released. There are seven admins here and no one can do it?…[Read more]

  • Obviously I cannot speak for Gio, but I believe the lack of transferring shows over to this website is due to security reasons in regards to the material. CBS Radio technically owns the rights to anything under the Loveline name. Since they cared enough to randomly pull the plug on podcasts, there is a bit of paranoia about what would happen if…

    [Read more]

  • Well, it seems Gio is still putting up new shows on his site. Why he didn’t advertise it here is beyond me since he had a hand in making this site happen. I don’t get why this site isn’t being updated with the new shows, either. Isn’t that what this site is here for so people don’t have to go running all over the internet looking for them? Seems…[Read more]

  • I guess this means then that the Lovelinetapes movement is dead in the water. No access to the new shows, no answers from anyone and the fans get the rug pulled out from under them. Sad. 🙁

  • So, I guess all the shows uploaded to the podcast are not going to be put on LLT? We won’t have access to the newer shows now?

  • Indeed, that’s it exactly. Adam had talked about this in detail at least once on TACS though I can’t even remember what year it was. I used to have a copy of this, but I deleted it thinking I could find it anytime. I find it bizarre that all traces of this have completely vanished off the internet, it seems. I was hoping there would be someone on…[Read more]

  • I’m pretty sure it was a TACS show late in the year, October I think, but can’t remember the year. What’s weird is there used to be several recordings of this on youtube and information on it, but it has all vanished off the face of the internet. I used to have the clip I’m talking about, but deleted it thinking I could find it again easily. Now,…[Read more]

  • I think it was when Adam had his morning show, but during one of them, he went into detail about the circumstances surrounding him leaving Loveline. The contracts, Drew screwing him over etc.. What show was that? Anyone know?

  • Sessh replied to the topic Server maintenance? in the forum Site Issues 11 years ago

    @spinfly wrote:

    Very weird, as it’s working perfectly for me and also perfectly on my friend’s computer. Still thinking it’s a caching issue.

    Got a full-time job, so I’ll have look into it more later tonight. Hopefully, people’s caches have cleared by then.

    I cleared my cache (I use chrome on XP) using the chrome built-in function and using…[Read more]

  • Sessh replied to the topic Server maintenance? in the forum Site Issues 11 years ago

    Yes, me too. The volume speaker used to adjust sound has a small “x” next to it and it does nothing. Play button is replaced with a pause button and does nothing and clicking the download link does nothing. For some reason, the font on the pages has changed to a smaller one which seems to have happened at the same time this issue popped up. Quite…[Read more]