
  • Moltar replied to the topic player shuts off in the forum Site Issues 11 years ago

    Unfortunately it has happened literally every time I have tried streaming on this site for the last 3+ months, rendering this site effectively useless (unless I download)

    I loved this site and listened every day. I am really hoping something can be done to address and fix the problem.

  • I appreciate you trying to find the rant. I listened to the 7-31-05 one, and sadly that show did not contain the rant I’ve been searching for. Thanks again, still looking for it.

  • In the summer of 2005, Adam did the best, longest “blowhard” rant I’ve ever heard. He outlined attributes of classic blowhards, with several impressions, and observations like “they always know the random date of the day the looked in the mirror. like ‘April 2nd 1993, i took a good look in the mirror and i realized…”

    I had a feeling it was a…[Read more]