manwhoispoor replied to the topic Episode Rating System in the forum Site Issues 3 years, 4 months ago
I’ve noticed that too. I don’t think it’s a bug. I think it’s intentionally set up that way. It’s like a show starts out with a bunch of invisible 4 star votes or something. I figured it was meant to keep a show from getting an outlier rating based on too small a sample size of voters.
manwhoispoor replied to the topic Newly uploaded .mp3 show files in the forum New Stuff 5 years, 4 months ago
The Pharcyde and The Rentals. Back to back shows from January 96, only about a week into Adam hosting without Riki. Two of the funniest super early Adam shows, and sadly missing huge portions of the shows, including some of the best parts.
manwhoispoor replied to the topic Is Adam a racist? in the forum General Talk About Loveline 10 years ago
Adam understands comedy, and he’s comfortable enough that he will say anything he thinks is funny, and he doesn’t care if it rubs a few people the wrong way. In fact, I happen to believe that it only makes something funnier knowing that there are people out there who will get offended by it. That being said, I don’t believe he really wants to…[Read more]
manwhoispoor started the topic Serendipity in the forum Personal Stories 10 years, 1 month ago
I started listening to loveline in early 97. I didn’t realize it was that long ago, but in re-listening to them now, I heard a call that I vividly remembered from way back when I first started listening, and the show was from March 1997, so apparently I started listening when I was barely 14.
I listened regularly until I moved in mid 2005 to an…[Read more]
manwhoispoor replied to the topic Not clear about Riki Rachtman's departure in the forum General Talk About Loveline 10 years, 1 month ago
I am also curious about this. I’ve done quite a bit of googling and come up mostly empty-handed. I found some stuff about how Adam ended up on the show, but nothing specific about why Riki left. Everyone seems to have been pretty tight-lipped about it. It’s clear he and Adam weren’t getting along all that well. Adam alludes to it a little that…[Read more]