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    I think by the definition of what a lot of people would consider to be racist then yeah, Adam is. Although I don’t agree.

    He’s also what a lot of people would call sexist or any number of other “ists.”

    I think we’ve just built ourselves into this society where once you open your mouth and say anything disparaging about someone different from you, all of a sudden you’re a bigot, regardless of the context.

    I’ve never considered Adam to be any of those things. I always took his jokes and comments as just funny observations about people. Yes, sometimes those jokes are a little in bad taste and sometimes they’re playing on stereotypes but I’ve always felt that stereotypes exist for a reason and we all KNOW people who fit those stereotypes perfectly.

    I mean, a lot of people are probably offended when Adam says that teenage girls are dumb and not one of them knows what their dad does for a living but after about the 5,000th 16 year old girl calls up and has no clue what her dad does for a living do we still have a right to be offended by it?

    Or when Adam jokingly guesses that the drug addicted, heroin addict, ex convict who got the caller pregnant is “uhhhh. JEW, right?” …. can we still get offended?

    The Adam years were always a little edgy and they/he got in trouble on more that one occasion for something he said but by and large I don’t think a lot of what he said was really meant to be taken as a sweeping generalization of ALL black people or ALL women or ALL Asians, etc.

    I can never remember Adam going off on a serious rant about how “All black people do this” or “All women do that,” etc. The closest instance that comes to mind is the infamous Hawaii rant and we all know how that worked out for him. To me, it was always a pointed observation about whatever group he was talking about that day and I think what saved him by and large was the fact that he DIDN’T discriminate and observed the flaws and stereotypes of all populations- basically the same argument that kept South Park on the air forever. Also, lets be honest, Adam disparaged no one more than himself and his own family. His frank admissions of boozing, masturbation, laziness, etc never painted a picture as someone that deserved adulation or emulation. He certainly never seriously held himself up as a role model.

    So I get how some people take offense to what he says but I don’t think of him as racist, no.

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