Commercials in shows

Topic Commercials in shows

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  • #37768 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Are there plans to note and remove things like commercials in shows? An example is, which has a TrueCar commercial that starts at 22:35. These are modern commercials added when the show was delivered as a podcast.

    #37842 Score: 0
    9 pts

    Hey there,

    At this time, we have no plans to go through and remove commercials from the CLL episodes that ran via Podcast One.

    #37847 Score: 0
    4 pts

    May I suggest this be something we consider doing in the future? It would be a nice improvement to the recordings.

    A place to start might be simply figuring out a way to let users tag recordings as having commercials. The call tagging on the site has the necessary functionality and even allows for identifying the timeframe of the commercial.

    Adding in missing shows is more important but it might be good to have this on the to-do list, if there is one.

    #37849 Score: 0
    9 pts

    On a trial basis, I’ve create the tag called commercial under the “other” section to be used to identify commercials. Use it and we’ll see how it works.

    #37850 Score: 0
    4 pts

    Cool! I will use it.

    #37851 Score: 0
    9 pts

    I would suggest that you also create a new topic under Housekeeping and keep track of the show numbers with commercials there (add links for each show).

    But just know that this is definitely not a priority and that it may never happen.

    #37857 Score: 0
    4 pts

    I see a “commercials” section under “other”, but there is no checkbox under it.

    #37858 Score: 0
    9 pts


    #37864 Score: 1
    1 pt

    I actually love commercials when they’re in old recordings. they used to do radio movie trailers, which were amazing. and of course, they always used to run those ridiculous Trojan ads during Love Line. that was part of the experience if you ask me.

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #37865 Score: 1
    4 pts

    I feel you on that. Unfortunately, these are new commercials. They aren’t the original commercials from the radio. They were added in by podcast one.

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #37871 Score: 0
    8 pts

    Actually we will have to replace every show with any Podcastone intro and ad, they were never supposed to be up that way. I’m working on it, I will be posting better “Pure” versions with higher bitrates in true stereo sound, not the 64k mono hot garbage I was forced to release due to insane “mono fetishists” who ruin my life and destroy my work.

    I have been adding more an more replacement files, I’m sorry it’s taking so long to finish all of this, I literally spend 16-18 hours per day on it, I hate that you have to listen to ads from a dead feed while other people repost these files on youtube and steal ad revenue that belongs to Entercom radio.

    #37875 Score: 0
    8 pts

    Replaced with the brand new 256k mp3, it sounds great!
    Added guest photos for each band from the era of the show as well.

    Also adding the rarest of rare CLL #108, one of only two known tapes to exist and currently a “Lost” show.

    #37880 Score: 1
    4 pts

    Hey Giovanni! I didn’t know you were on here. How cool. I am grateful for all your work. I’m one of your patreon supporters. You rock.

    This post has received 1 vote up.
    #37894 Score: 0
    4 pts

    @Giovanni Is tagging the shows that have commercials something that would help you in your quest to remove them? Or do you have some other system of tracking?

    #37895 Score: 0
    8 pts

    Thank you for the considerate offer.
    No need, I know what needs to be replaced by the running times, bitrate and what was released by PodcastOne from memory. Don’t waste any effort.

    Only thing slowing me down is sheer amount of work, I never stopped going from CLL feed, so I’m deep into 2001 but now have to redo 1995-1998(through January).

    I’m on it!

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