Sunday, November 27th, 2005
Guest: Patton Oswalt
Host: Dr. Drew
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Calls & Tags (22)
Aaron, M, 21
Compliments Patton's set at Bumbershoot, asks how old he was when he got into stand-up and how/why he went about it.
Trent, M, 16
Idealizes ex-girlfriend from middle school, wants to know if it's only because she was his first love.
Rachel, F, 25
Considering divorce, husband had an affair, emotionally abusive, semi-alcoholic. Wonders if she's making right decision. Codependent.
Lily, F, 26
Boyfriend asking to role play a prison rape where she penetrates him anally from behind. Worried his fetishism will continue to escalate.
Hilary, F, 20
Boyfriend wants to pee in her mouth, she wants to know if that's normal. Drew decides that it's bad for him to want to impose this upon her.
Steve, M, 22
Caller got drunk and masturbated to a friend that was sleeping on his couch. Has a girlfriend, is worried about his own behavior.
Sophia, F, 26
Wants to know if women who have had children are 'looser', and if men can tell during sex. Also asks about kegels to assist with tightening.
Michelle, F, 17
Dating a 21 year old, every time they have sex she doesn't hear from him for days. Drew tells her to try just asking him why.
Kim, F, 19
Has nipples pierced, wants to know if it's true that they make it so you cannot breastfeed. Drew says that is not true.
Thomas, M, 30
Used to shoot semen very far when masturbating, as he's gotten older it has less and less force/distance. Wants to know if that's normal.
Spencer, M, 18
Has to take off all his clothes before pooping, whether in public restrooms or not. Drew tells him to simply stop.
Chet, M, 16
Asks Patton how he liked working with Queen Latifa and Jimmy Fallon. Someone picks up phone mid-call and bickers with Chet, Suspected fake.
Angel, M, 24
Girlfriend of 3yrs cheated on him, told him that other man had bigger penis. Trying to patch things up with her, but still upset about that.
Chloe, F, 18
Fantasizing about ex when she has sex with current boyfriend. Boyfriend recovering meth addict, she's recovering from bulimia.
Michelle, F, 16
Can't stop calling a guy she likes, even though he's threatened to blow her house up, Drew considers this stalking. Bad home environment.
Ally, F, 18, Alaska
Doesn't know how to break up with boyfriend, as he has 'mental/anger problems'. He is clingy and she is worried about upsetting him.
Phillip, M, 22
Girlfriend wants sex multiple times a day for extended hours, wants to know if there's anything wrong with her. She was raped as a teen.
Megan, F, 21
Gets terrible headaches after orgasm, aka post-coital migraine. Also experiences blacking out, docs have prescribed various things, no help.
Marcus, M
Man stole jewelry and hid in shoes which were donated to charity by mistake. Barges into charity demanding them back, gets arrested.
Rick, M, 22
Sleeping with ex-girlfriend despite her having a new boyfriend that doesn't know. Wants to be with her again.
Annette, F, 20
When giving oral sex, boyfriend pushes her head so hard that semen comes out her nose and gets in eyes. Wants to know if this will hurt her.
Angela, F, 26
Worries that she masturbates too much, does it around 10 times a day, and at work in bathroom stalls. Raped at 14, bipolar.
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This episode is a sleeper classic.
Patton does a pretty hilarious jag about gnomes attacking girls with pickaxes to get to the gold in their vulva during the post-coital migraine call at 1:10:46
can someone PLEASE explain why the callers are so much more interesting now that adam left?
ugh i hate it when guests eat on air and continue to smack their lips. makes it unlistenable for me UGH