Monday, October 3rd, 2005
Guest: Jenna Fischer
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the TV show The Office
This one of my favorites from 2005, it's from Adam's last month of shows and Jenna is a great guest.
Adam starts the show by mentioning Drew's love of "the office" and how everyone encourages him to watch it but it has now become a battle of wills and he refuses.
Jenna claims she felt that way about Arrested Development but now she is a huge fan, Adam counters that he still feels that way about AD.
Adam would watch it if the man wasn't pressuring him to watch it, Drew busts out the reverse psychology on him.
Drew brings up the Family guy and how Adam turned him onto it and how Adam should take Drew's advice and watch "the office"
Jenna mentions they film the show in Van Nuys CA next to an impound lot which leads to an anti impound/tow truck driver jag.
Jenna mentions she had a car impounded and the cost to get it out was more than the value of the car.
Adam comments on how LAPD is only in "half rape mode" and begs them to go full on because they are only half raping there citizens.
Adam discusses his front license plate ticket and how he has to find his plate and then attach it and then go to the courthouse.
Jenna discusses how much she loves her job and how she feels lucky, Adam then launches into a semi-philosophical argument about happiness.
Adam "..do you have weird dark moods though where you cry and punch things?"
Jenna "on the set?....privately..of course privately"
Drew "...you had to break her down...I was wondering where you were going, that was the most backdoor I've ever seen you go at that, that was good!"
A woman calls about orgasming while at the gym, Jenna is very interested in how this works.
Drew mentions the infamous male caller who could also do this.
Adam once again calls him gay just like he does every time this caller is brought up.
Adam goes off on gay guys claiming they don't check out dudes in the gym.
Adam "...I'll check a dude out!"
Adam mentions 80's Scott Baio movies(zapped)
Anderson gets on the mic and says he is going to quit soon, either serious or trying to mock Adam's unannounced upcoming departure.
Drew "What!"
A G-spot call leads into Adam wanting his own spot Adam and Drew simultaneously proclaim the Carolla spot would be on a couch.
A female caller is concerned because she used speed and she just found out she is pregnant.
Adam admits to smoking crack once(again) but this time he says it was some guys outside his apartment and not his roommates.
Traffic and weather, The Mila Kunis family guy story is revisited.
Jenna is hilarious!!
Adam "...I want to jump through the radio and start strangling the people giving this useless report..."
A female caller named Emily at about 55:00 into the show seems to be bogus or acting, "it's so sad, it's so sad" she is very annoying on the 10th listen.
Adam "She's a Conversational Puma..."(hahahahahahahahaha!)
one of the greatest Ace lines ever.
Drew "alright so tell us about women now.."
Adam "I don't like 'em, what do you mean whats to like?"
Adam and Jenna do a little improv dating enactment in order to teach men the tells that women give when interested.
Jenna discusses her experiences working as a temp doing secretarial work and how miserable some of the women were in the offices she worked at, she reveals that she can type over 90wpm with 95% accuracy.
"Bring, Bring"
Jenna "Hello"
Adam "Jenna it's Ace..."
Jenna "hey"
Adam "Hey"
Jenna "How are you?"
Adam "Good, whats going on.."
Jenna "not much what are you doing?"
Adam "I'm just..hahahaha.. playing with myself"
Drew "hahahahahaha"
Jenna brings up a guy who hit on her at the airport and how aggressive he was.
Adam! Carolla!, a caller starts his call with this greeting but it gets no response from Adam who had become tired of this bit just like he became tire of being the "Vicar of Christ".
Must Listen!
(Adam quizzing Jenna about her drug history)
Adam "...speedballs, things like that..smoking a lot of coke?"
Jenna "(gasp)...ohh boy..you really..you called it"
A female caller is inquiring about the safety of a reusable device she uses to catch her "moon flow" and then makes the most disgusting sound effect ever when describing removing said device, then she mentions using the remnants for gardening(eeeewwwww!!!)
Adam and Dr.Drew are riffing on reusing the remnants and Drew makes a killer Au just joke.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
“Here’s the thing, if you’re gonna rape me, don’t just do the thing where you grab a boob and french kiss, start poundin’ my ass!”
This is a great episode.
Solid episode. Jenna is articulate and intelligent and Drew & Adam are in good form.
Solid episode. Jenna is articulate and intelligent and Drew & Adam are in good form.
Great episode. Jenna is very bright, but not intrusive. Adam clearly has a bit of a crush on her 🙂
What song is playing at 39:50?
Sorry, 39:40
Jenna ended up marrying James Gunn, the director of Slither, the horror movie she mentions she’s working on. ^_^
Ooh, sorry, they had already been married for years at that point!
Drew: “The human body is incredibly resilient… except from those toxins, right Adam?”