Thursday, August 18th, 2005
Guest: Bob Saget
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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From the movie The Aristocrats
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Thursday, August 18th, 2005
Guest: Bob Saget
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
From the movie The Aristocrats
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Ace has an awesome reaction to answering a Germany or Florida correctly! HELL YEAH!
Bob Saget seems like a wildly insecure, bitter person. Even though he had huge success and made tons of money on an iconic show, he talks about it like he’s above it.
Instead of just saying “yeah, it was the 80’s, TV characters were hokey and shows were cheesy” he’s very dismissive of it. “I mean, I had a 12-year-old ask me the other day if I was gay on there.”
He does this over-the-top vulgar stand-up comedy, which I have no problem with except for the fact that it’s so painfully obvious that he’s only doing it to kill the Full House image of him. Then he goes on Entourage and plays himself. He’s doing blow and screwing hookers and trying to sound hip using slang that only people 20 years younger than him still think sounds cool. That would be alright if he was trying to be a parody of himself, but I’m afraid that’s just him. He’s so unself-aware (if that makes sense). He thinks cussing and making references to him doing drugs will make him cool.
Once the initial shock of Danny Tanner from Full House saying “fuck” wears off, all you’re left with is an old douche in the middle of a midlife crisis making everyone really uncomfortable.
Okay, Bob got a pretty funny line in there. The guys are talking about some of the less pleasant things that can happen to a woman’s vagina during childbirth.
Adam is talking about not wanting to watch the birth. He wants to think of that area as pristine.
Adam: “If you saw what you’re hotel room looked like the night before with the guy and the hookers, you would never go in.”
Bob: “You want the maid to go in and put a mint down on her vagina.”
Adam: “I want her to turn down my wife’s vagina.”
Bob: “Nobody’s ever turned down your wife’s vagina.”
haha. Fuckin Bob Saget.