Monday, August 1st, 2005

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.76 (24 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (6)

  1. yayer

    The boys hate everything this show. Adam is done, just done, with everything, just everything… Drew slowly fades and joins Adam’s depressive mood. A lot more victim blaming than usual from Adam, which is pretty impressive. Women haters represent! Excellent show all around.

  2. I think this is the episode where Adam comes up with his idea “In 50 Years We Will All Be Chicks”.

    They rehash, and replay the Holocaust call.

    Adam complains about all the different beeps we have to deal with in life.

    Engineer Chris doesn’t know what a spittoon is.

  3. Landlubber

    Adam: “They shouldn’t give you a goddamn drivers license until you can drive a stick, jump start a car, and bump start a car.”

    Well then take my man card because of those three, I can only jump a car. Hell, I’ve never even heard of bump starting, and the only stick I drove, I stalled it out in less than a minute.

    He says men are on the downslope of masculinity, while women are trending on the upslope, and he predicts that in 2031 we will pass each other on that scale. This, clearly, is the genesis of “In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks.”

  4. dylanrush

    Adam’s rant about how men are turning into adolescent chicks is spot on. Ten years later, I’m 25, can’t drive a stick, and I’m into star wars. Same with many of my friends. And it’s totally acceptable.

    With the recent rise in Tumblr feminism, SJWs, Caitlyn Jenner being a national hero, and men being considered de facto rapists… there’s now a huge decline in men’s rights and men’s pride. Masculinity is beaten out of us with adderall and ritalin as we’re growing up. Men are guilty until proven innocent in the court of law.

    In general, men seem to be OK with apologizing on behalf of their entire gender, perpetuating the self loathing. Advocating men’s rights or men’s pride is social suicide. If you’re not in a “minority” then if you’re proud of who you are, then society views you as an evil, chauvinistic sexist or racist.

    Once again, Adam’s grim predictions have come true. Masculinity is out of fashion.

    I hope society will bounce back to something a little more moderate, but who knows. Maybe in 40 years we’ll all be chicks.

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