Sunday, July 31st, 2005

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.92 (29 votes)

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Show Summary:

Engineer Chris Perez announces this is his last week and he finally got his AA degree from JR. college and acquired a full time job.

Adam proclaims that the term RnD means something completely different for Florida based businesses (Rape and Dump).

Very funny show the conversation goes all over the place, too much greatness to describe.

Adam and Drew discuss both of their upcoming television projects and the difficulties filming them.

Adam recounts a chapter of his life around 21 where he was receiving phone sex calls from a woman he did not know for several months, great story with a interesting lead in where comments on the 20 or so odd moments from ones life that don't seem to make sense.

This episode contains A,C!(Adam, Carolla!) and GorF(Germany or Florida).

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (4)

  1. Landlubber

    The GorF is pretty good. A guy abducts a girl, drains her blood and rapes her.

    The guys guess incorrectly.

    Adam: “Nice job Ricky. Depressing, but good.”

    Drew: “No, that was really good.”

    Adam: “Well, I meant depressing for the girl who got her blood drained and raped repeatedly. I’ll tell ya, in a way, a greater tragedy for us. We have to live with the stigma. She’ll be over it in a couple years of therapy.”

  2. Landlubber

    Drew asks Adam how many times he’s seen him wear sandals and points to his feet. Apparently he’s suffered some grievous toe injury. He was running on the beach to escape the hot sand (for any of you who have never felt this, it’s like running on fiery hot coals and is excruciating) and ran his toe into a big ass rock buried in the sand at full speed.

    Adam asks if there’s anything worse than toe abuse and Drew says no, that’s why they used it for torture (Vietnamese POWs used to have bamboo chutes shoved under their fingernails and toenails as torture.) I can attest to this pain. When I was younger I was climbing a tree and swung off a branch and my foot slammed toe first into the tree at full speed and a large piece of pine bark ripped right under my big toenail. Craziest pain of my life. They had to use this spray freeze stuff to numb my toe to extract it all. So basically what I’m saying is there is no difference between me and a Vietnamese POW. None at all.

    Engineer Chris announces officially on this episode that he graduated community college with his AA and that he got a full time job at a hospital. Sadly, these are his last couple days with Loveline. 🙁

  3. knucklhd

    Drew the know-it-all once again shows his ignorance of anything non-doctorly, and Adam is once again correct. As a former construction worker who earned a real (not liberal arts) degree, I can tell you that the Pythagorean theorem is in fact the genesis of the 3-4-5 construction method of squaring things. Insert yawn sound effect here.

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