Sunday, July 17th, 2005

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.73 (23 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (8)

  1. Landlubber

    A girl calls in who used to do adult movies. Drew asks her about a thousand times if there was some abuse in the home. She gives a definitive “no” every single time. He says this does not compute and won’t let it go.

    This happens pretty much every night on this show. FINALLY Adam says that despite being on board with the concept that most people who act out come from abusive homes that there have to be exceptions to the rule.

    I’ve never understood why Drew doesn’t EVER allow for an exception. Just a person who does something stupid/self-destructive or whatever that didn’t get raped or beaten. I know they deal with probabilities and numbers when they talk to the nuts who call this show, but to say that there isn’t one (or a million for that matter) exception to the norm, is just mind-numbingly stupid.

  2. Landlubber

    A guy calls in with a Germany or Florida and we get all three renditions of DAG’s theme song. It’s a good Germany or Florida and I won’t ruin it, but the subject of the story does some heinous shit and in a shocking twist, turns out to be Asian.

    This leads to Adam’s description of the Asian people as a whole. To sum it up, there are only two types of Asians you will ever see. There’s the guy in a skinny tie and horn-rimmed glasses and a dark suit doing a lot of bowing and agreeing, and then there’s the kid with a squatted Acura and spiked green hair who looks like he came out of a video game.

    Drew, who normally quiets down when Adam says anything that could seem even remotely racist, totally agrees on this one.

  3. Landlubber, I really enjoy your breakdowns of the shows, but could you combine them into one long post, instead of multiple smaller posts?

  4. Landlubber

    Thanks man. As for the multiple posts, I don’t always listen to the entire show in one sitting. Also, whenever I see one massive post someone’s written, I rarely read it. It’s just easier to separate them into different posts with different topics from different spots in the show.

    Is there a particular reason multiple posts on one episode is a bad thing? I’m not challenging you here, I’m just asking what’s the difference?

  5. pastahero

    @Landlubber, leaving consecutive posts on one show is not a bad thing, per se. And if they’re posted at different times, that’s perfectly fine. The only problem is when they tend to monopolize the Last 100 Comments page (e.g., three straight entries for 9/8/2005).

    Having said that, you’re right that super long comments are not pretty to look that. I’ll try to think of a compromise and suggest it to the mods.

  6. Landlubber

    Adam opens the show talking about a press conference he had to participate in at the Beverly Hilton Hotel to announce his new show (not his Comedy Central show, the TLC home improvement show) and answer questions from the TV critics.

    He said he’s done this a couple times and he’s done kissing ass. Adam: “If you don’t like the show, fine, haul your raggedy fat ass out of here, take your croissant and your complimentary OJ, go back up to your room, rub one out and write something crappy about me, you old F. Just get it over with. Why the charade with the questions?” He actually gave that rant to a critic at the press conference who asked him three insulting questions in a row. He didn’t even let him get the third question out of his mouth before he launched into his rant.

    Adam talks about a woman who survived for 5 days in a dinghy, lost at sea. She was at that television critics conference thing, which I guess was a big party that a lot of TV people were at, including Drew. She was there for a TLC disaster survivor story show.

    She was on a yacht that got destroyed during a storm, so she ended up in a dinghy with 5 other people. The first guy drank a bunch of salt water and started going nuts. He said “I’m going to my car for cigarettes” jumped out of the boat and got devoured by sharks. The next guy drank some salt water, started going nuts too, jumped out of the boat and also got devoured by sharks. Adam: “I don’t know what it’s like to experience that, but I would’ve had trouble masturbating that night.” The third person, a woman, had an infection in her leg from a gash caused during the storm and she died right there in the dinghy with them. The last two got rescued after 5 days. Holy shit.

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