Wednesday, July 13th, 2005
Guest: Pauly Shore
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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From the TV show Minding the Store
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Wednesday, July 13th, 2005
Guest: Pauly Shore
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
From the TV show Minding the Store
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Adam is “the captain and Pauly is the parot on his shoulder that won’t shut-up”
Couldn’t make it through the episode. PAULY JUST WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP
I’m….I’m not sure I can listen to anymore of this. I wanted to give it a try to see if Anderson would screw Adam over and play a drop of him ripping on Pauly Shore from a month or two back. But…I just can’t stand it anymore. Pauly is just a living, breathing douche bag.
Viva Los Bio Dome!!!
As much as I hate Pauly Shore, He wasn’t that bad. I mean, he does talk a lot, but seems to work fairly well with Adam. He leaves the show early, and towards the end, they get into his psyche. Plus his laugh is quite genuine.
I liked this show, Pauly was a good guest.
Really proud of this find: caller Julie the egg donor is actually “Bipolar Ashley” from the 2005-01-24. She has this horribly annoying pressured speech that makes you want to slap her just to get her to calm down for a second.
This was a fun episode. Some crazy calls. One might even be the worst little girl voice ever. Drew gives up talking about 10 minutes into the show because Pauly is too much. Kind of a sleeper episode