Wednesday, June 22nd, 2005

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Ben

3.61 (16 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (10)

  1. unclepenny

    Thanks for the tip, replaced it earlier. If you come across another one please don’t post a link to that site. Maybe even post something on my profile page. That guy is a thief and not a good person in terms of sharing the show for free. Let me know if any others are corrupt, all my shows are clean, got them off the HUB years back. Thanks again.

  2. Landlubber

    Drew is off following his daughter on her ice skating competition. This leads to Adam complaining about how Drew’s wife hits Adam up for donations for the skating team.

    “And it’s not like they’re playing inner-city youth football. They’re all filthy rich. She wanted me to donate to the team to send them to Paris. This was like two years ago. Oh you mean she’s nearly 10 and hasn’t been to Europe? By all means!”

  3. Landlubber

    Adam reasserts his “heavyweight” drivers license argument. He says you should be allowed to go to the proving grounds with you local police and take a couple shots of Smirnoff, then drive an obstacle course. If you get through all the cones, you get the heavyweight designation on your license. This would allow you to drive drunk and not be arrested for blowing over the limit.

    He says some people can circumnavigate the globe completely drunk and you’d never know it, meanwhile if his mother has a flute of champagne, she immediately drives through an orphanage.

  4. Landlubber

    Wow, Dr. Ben is talking about Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Adam tries to cut in to go on a tangent. Dr. Ben cuts him off and says “hang on let me just finish this up.”

    I’ve heard hundreds of shows and never heard Drew say that to Adam. What a moment. Drew should take some inspiration from this, but I fear his spirit is completely, irrevocably crushed from years of abuse.

  5. fatbench

    Interesting that when discussing Dr. Drew’s daughter and her involvement in ice skating, adam casually mentions that there “might be an eating disorder on the way.” As it turns out she did develop an eating disorder, and it became public this past year. Very unfortunate, but it further substantiates Adam’s self proclaimed genius status.

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