Sunday, May 1st, 2005

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.69 (23 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Comments (7)

  1. Landlubber

    Okay now, wait just a minute. The guy who calls in at 19 minutes sounds EXACTLY like James the Zoosexual. James was a troubled young soul who loved fucking animals. James’ call is from the 1/18/1998 show and if you haven’t heard it, get over there. He is so disturbed/interesting that the guys keep him on the line for most of the show. It’s pure Loveline gold.

  2. Landlubber

    Adam: “Take a quick break, we’ll be right back with Sabrina the Possible Teenage Bitch.”

    An 18-year-old girl calls in and says her 34-year-old boyfriend’s penis is far too large for them to have sex. The guys ask her various questions about her life and she says she works for Red Bull.

    Adam: “Doing what, handing out key chains?”

    Caller (insulted at the suggestion that she is only capable of menial tasks like handing out keychains): “Yeah, key chains. No, I hand out Red Bull.”

    A woman calls in near the end of the show who for some reason puts in that she and her boyfriend don’t refer to sex as “sex” but “making love.” Adam says “well the minute you’re out of the room and he’s around his friends it goes back to “porking.” She says “no no he’s not like that.” Adam goes on to explain that if this guy’s friends ever heard him say “making love” they would put a bunch of bars of soap in a pillow case and beat him.

  3. pastahero

    You can add semaphore to the long, long list of words Adam butchers. He repeatedly says “sem-ee-phore” here, and sometimes “sem-eye-phore” on other occasions.

  4. thewicketn9ne

    Emily, 16 at 0:45:30 says she had her dad arrested for haveing child pornography found on blank discs by her little brother. She mentions the company he worked for using this I did a Google search “MILGARD windows employee arrested child porn 2005”. And first hit is a news paper from Lawrence Kansas and on page 5 is a brief article explaining that a 66 year old pled guilty to a charge of child pronography and faces a potential 136 months. (when she mentions the company her dad works for Drew tells Anderson to blank that out lol)

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