Sunday, April 10th, 2005
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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adam brings up his “pedophile island” idea up again. drew hears it for the first time though. 27:00
Adam: “I haven’t told you about Pedophile Island?”
Drew: “Is this an idea for a TV show? That’s great but it needs a better title.”
Adam: “There is no better title than Pedophile Island! AIDS Butler wasn’t even a better title than Pedophile Island!”
Classic Loveline exchange sometime around the 49 minute mark. A girl calls in complaining the she has really big nipples. The guys ask if she has big areolae or big nipples. She mixes up the meaning of those words first of all, but she tries to describe what she means by saying it’s like a big sausage. Now, Adam takes this to mean it’s like a big slice of salami, while Drew thinks she means the actual nipple protrudes a lot like a cylindrical piece of sausage. It turns out Adam is correct and the girl just has really big areolae.
The conversation that ensues is classic. Adam says that Drew is always wrong because he is more robot than man and just listens to the words people speak which ends up confusing him. Adam, on the other hand, feels the meaning behind the words and the intent of the retarded callers. They argue about this for a bit and it’s wonderful.
In summation to the big nipples call, Adam says guys just simply love breasts. Small, big, weird nipples, asymmetry, whatever.
“Guys have a relationship with breasts like a dog has with leftovers. Whatever you got, just throw it down and I’m gonna make short work of it.”
42:15 love the show and adam but he completely dismissed the caller who coined the phrase pedi-file-isle
Pedif- Isle is supposed to happen in 2020
Good overall show, but nothing too crazy stands out.
Goddamn, Engineer Chris is a fucking Putz.