Thursday, February 10th, 2005
Guest: Jen Schefft
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #2445 (feat. Jen Schefft)
02/10/2005 – Thursday Night Show
Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2024)
This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, Jen is promoting 'The Bachelorette' and Adam riffs about Mr. X.
From the TV show The Bachelorette
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Jen was “the bachlorette”. Adam takes a shine to her and shares his strategy for how he would woo her on the show, taking the nom de plume “Mr. X”. It builds over time, becoming more and more absurd – culminating with Mr. X taking care of both a three legged horse (Jericho) and a one flippered turtle (Donald? or something) that he rescued from an oil spill. It’s great.
Really strong episode. I can’t remember her chiming in during a call, but otherwise Jen is a great guest; she digs Adam’s sense of humor and, while she’s not a comedian herself, she gives him just the right cues to keep the “Mr. X” routine going.
At one point Adam talks about wearing a Zorro mask so that “it wouldn’t be all about looks,” and some jackass actually employed that strategy on the latest “Bachelorette!”
As a guest in this episode, Jen’s got a killer attitude and plays along with all of Adam’s hilarious “Bachelorette” scenarios. The Mr. X gag keeps getting better and better throughout the episode! Five stars, one of the best episodes.
Adam tries repeatedly to woo Jen with his antics that are mildly entertaining
“Mr. X” would make an awesome M Narren or VPN animation
Here’s the entire Mr. X routine, with all the other boring stuff cut out:
@pastahero good work!
now this needs to go viral and gets animated.
Truly one of my favorites that I always enjoy listening to. Mr. X cracks me up everytime and Jen is a great guest who plays along well.
Hmm… I gotta say… I became a fan of Loveline because I’m interested in medicine and especially psychology, so I find it immensely informative and of course funny. I think Drew is brilliant and guests often have colorful stories to tell, and I especially enjoy hearing those whose work I admire. But I gotta say Adam really gets on my nerves sometimes. I understand why he was vital to the show and I often find him genuinely funny, but damn, sometimes his smug blabbering can be very grating. I can’t stand when female guests laugh like hyenas at his yapping, or when callers say he’s a god or should become the president. This is one of the shows where I just wished he’d shut up.
Jen is a fantastic guest, she is open to joking and plays along with both Adam and Drew very well, this is definitely a sleeper five star, the chemistry between all three of them is so good!
The show has earned its high rating. Worth listening to just for the Mr. X parts.
Really enjoyed this episode. Jen and Adam had great chemistry. She went along well with his Mr. X shtick. Good times
audio upgrade
Pretty good show. In the last segment with Jen Adam has another traffic rant 😴😴😴
The last caller is a victim of SA… a stalker walked into her apartment while she was showering. Drew’s first comment: “She’s angry!” *facepalm* This is one of those calls where Adam is actually more empathic than Drew. Horrible situation.