Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
Guest: Ben Stein
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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From the movie Son of the Mask
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Tuesday, February 1st, 2005
Guest: Ben Stein
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
From the movie Son of the Mask
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Ben Stein: Happiness is being grateful for what you have and having an attitude of gratitude instead of envy.
28:00 One good thing about the ball sack: no matter who the guy is or how old they are, every guy is on the same ball sack plane… it doesn’t get better from one guy to the next.
Adam says guys should get more credit for giving women oral sex, would you rather eat a churro or an abalone!? HAHAHA! [By the way, men are easy to satisfy… pleasing your woman takes skill: like cracking an underwater safe with your oxygen running low]
32:00 They talk about the Iraqi war, I like Dr. Drew’s mention of a Churchill quote: “[Democracy] is the worst form of government, except for all the rest.” Sick of all the fucks that hate America, liken it to who would you rather have conquer you… were a decent country because if Japan or Germany had won WWII you’d be in trouble if you weren’t the right ethnicity.
47:00 Adam, Drew, and Ben Stein argue that profiling is not a bad thing: it’s one our oldest instincts [an inherent human instinct]. It’s recently turned into a bad word, the FBI uses profilers to figure out crimes and without it narrowing down the culprit would be nearly impossible.
great episode, but certainly unique for the typical loveline shows. Mostly Ben & the guys discussing political issues….granted some great points made and a good discussion to listen to. Only a few calls taken throughout the whole episode.
Awesome show. Ben is really appreciative of Adam’s intellect and on the same wavelength with both Adam and Drew. Very few calls which, as always, is great.
Adam declares Ben a very passionate man like Drew. Ben declares that if there’s one thing he’s most passionate about it’s his dogs. “I love my wife more than I can even describe, but my dogs……” Adam thinks he’s missed the point of the passionate man thing, but accepts it anyway.
Great banter throughout the show. Funny stuff, political stuff, whatever. It’s all good.
Easily my least favorite show I can remember. They take probably less than 5 calls and talk race/politics the entire show….my lowest rating yet
I’m a big fan of Adam and Drew (and Ben is ok), but hearing three rich white guys talking at length about how there isn’t much racism anymore is pretty tired. Take some damn calls!
Right, Right…It would be much better to hear 3 three black guys talk about how it’s under every rock. The subject itself is tired.
A rich white man talks about how it sucks to be poor.
Ben Stein strikes to me as the kind of guy who eats his boogers when no one is looking and fantasizes about getting spanked.
I’d like to play Ben’s comments on the Iraq war back to him and ask for an update. That whole affair was an utter failure that birthed ISIS.
Couldn’t listen past 30 min. Annoying self important man lmao
Ben Stein confuses me. Sometimes he makes statements of great empathy but other times he seems very obtuse. The conversations in this show were simultaneously interesting but hard to listen to.
We now know that Adam leans to the right on a lot of things but I think he was leaning into it this show to butter up to Ben. You can almost hear Drew frothing at the mouth at the conservative talking points as well. But whatever, I really don’t care what their political ideologies are.
Adam makes a point that I’ve heard him say before, that it’s easier to be poor now because everyone can afford a big TV and DVD player. It’s just funny because so much of his life revolves around TV and to him that’s the height of living large.