Monday, January 31st, 2005
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
Adam tells the story of when he installed the closet in the wrong house(best telling of the story).
Drew mentions a "Fudge Packers union".
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Put a reserve tank in cars.
Most women cannot experience orgasms.
(54:00) Lasting 5 min during sex is a lifetime of passion for a man like drew. Adam relates this phenomena to genetics, some can last longer than other just like some people can roll their tongue, eyes, etc… Why do people believe the hot skinny girl who writes a book to teach people how to be hot!? Drew: they need to learn how to manage their differences to satisfy both sides. Adams interesting point: because the caller lives in a crappy society she thinks there’s a cure for everything we do, and is angry/resentful toward the person. Should not blame them, for the same reason that you cant blame them if they were short or had small calves.
BAG OF CORN NUTS HILLARIOUS COMMERCIAL DROP: “Bust a nut, bust a nut, grab a bag of corn nuts and bust a nut” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3quMz-EAThw
Girl calls who had a hemicolectomy (carcinoid, a tumor in the appendix => part of colon needed to removed), then she asked if she could have anal sex, [what an incredibly weird impulse]! Of course she had childhood problems, father in prison… both parents’ drug addicts. Caller has Somatoform disorder, truly due to trauma… overstated disorder for instance calling it colon cancer. Nothing added up much to anything… Led to fudge packing mockery!
The best “Junior College?”
“…..SSSSSSHHHHHHHOCKING” reaction ever after some chick dropped the f bomb on the air around 31 minutes.
Still has ads at 45:00
“You’re a dick to a lot of people on the air.” Eh, get a helmet, doc.
I’m surprised I had never heard about the Corn Nuts advertisement until listening to this episode. Definitely going to be my new ringtone.
Nothing too special about this one just a down the middle show.