Tuesday, October 19th, 2004

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.31 (71 votes)

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Show Summary:

Genesis of Ace's Ranchero Accordian Countdown. They play it with a local radio station, with Lauren holding the radio at the door. But because of FCC rights issues, anderson keeps trying to get them to say its off a CD. Very bizarre callers tonight, combined with technical issues make this a hilarious night!

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (21)

  1. nebulous

    Genesis of Ace’s Ranchero Accordian Countdown. They play it with a local radio station, with Lauren holding the radio at the door. But because of FCC rights issues, anderson keeps trying to get them to say its off a CD. Very bizarre callers tonight, combined with technical issues make this a hilarious night!

  2. jonesin44

    Oh boy. A bevy of tard callers. The best episodes are when Adam and Drew gotta a new game going or listening to some music and Adam quickly dumps a tard caller just to get back to the game or song. The Best.

  3. ct

    First caller is exceptionally stupid and hilarity ensues. Adam eventually hangs up on her in dramatic fashion.

    Detailed account of Adam lancing his carbuncle when he was 30. He and Jimmy celebrated that night with 40 lbs of Mexican Food. XD

    Ace’s Accordion Countdown tops off the night.

    “I’m hispanic and find nothing funny about it.” -b*tch caller

    Good times. 5/5

  4. Is it just me, or does the girl that called at 55 minutes, with the plethera of meds who wanted to get birth control, sound like the “Nooooooo” girl? Something about the way she said “uh”.

  5. blueskylark

    Potentially interesting caller Angelina (serial cheater, Adam says she sounds like a hot chick) hangs up while waiting for Adam to finish a rant on microwaves, technology, his mom and board games. I wish he’d saved the rant for the next caller, who was boring.

  6. Landlubber

    Stupid caller: “I got my clit pierced, they call it the trunk.”

    Adam: “They call it the what?”

    Stupid caller: “The trunk. Where I’m from they call it that.”

    Drew: “Do you mean the hood?”

    Stupid caller: “No I’m from the beach.”

    Drew then continues to clarify, but Adam cuts him off.

    Adam: “Drew did you catch what just happened there?”

    Drew: “I didn’t follow it.”

    Adam: “Drew, you just missed something precious.”

    This is a classic call.

  7. Higgs

    This was right in the middle of the Boston Sports dynasty. As a Boston sports fan, as great as it was, Adam is exactly right. I don’t know if you’re sitting down, but it’s true, the majority of Boston sports are know-nothing A-Holes. The truth is, the people that have actually been following the teams for more than the last three months are usually pretty cool, it’s just that the teams have been taken hostage by idiot college kids that never followed any of the teams until they started winning.

  8. BMacC

    Love that Adam and Drew start out w/ some sports-talk about Red Sox epic comeback against Yankees, really emphasizes Loveline’s time-capsule effect. I hate the Red Sox too.

  9. mcx1110

    @lordoftheview @hippie777 – Yes! I heard that, too. I gotta find which episode that was. I think it was in 2001.

    Anyway, this episode was a classic. A “weird energy night” is bad for Adam and Drew but great for us.

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Calls & Tags (8)

  • call



    Anna, F, Virginia Beach

    Got her clit pierced. Every time she walks, she has an orgasm. Super dumb caller.


  • call



    Adam, M

    Germany or Florida

    Germany or Florida?

  • call



    Angelina, F, 18, Fresno, CA

    Has a boyfriend, but messes around with other guys.


  • call



    Alicia, F, 18

    Wants to get on birth control, but she is on a lot of medication. Wants to know if it will affect it. Very evasive.

    ADD/ADHD anti-anxiety medications (Ativan, Klonopin, etc.) antidepressant medications (Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, etc.) birth control depression

  • call



    Britney, F, 17, Los Angeles, CA

    Going out with a 27 year old. Wants to know if it's ok.

    age difference

  • call



    Adam/Drew, M

    First ever Ace's Mexican Ranchero Accordion Countdown.

    Ace's Mexican Ranchero Accordion Countdown

  • call



    Theresa, F, 23

    Been with a guy for a few years, but when he has an orgasm too quickly and gets mad at her. Sounds like she's on ether.

    Ace's Mexican Ranchero Accordion Countdown premature ejaculation

  • call



    Sarah, F, 23

    Is Hispanic, and doesn't like Ace's Mexican Ranchero Accordion Countdown. Can't orgasm through masturbation.

    masturbation orgasm difficulties

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