Wednesday, August 4th, 2004

Guest: Ron Livingston

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.87 (25 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the movie Little Black Book

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (7)

  1. Landlubber

    The Heather Graham story is all well and good, but it’s one of the most irritating 5-minutes of radio I’ve heard leading up to it. It’s a total cluster f**k. The guys can’t all agree on whether or not Ron was in studio the night Adam busted Heather’s chops for Boogie Nights or even what year it was, or what he was there to promote. Keep in mind, none of that information is relevant to, well, anything. But the guys are all talking over each other and stepping on each other trying to figure it out even though ultimately it doesn’t matter in the least. Drew keeps telling Adam to tell the story, which he tries to do, but then Drew jumps in to correct him about another detail that, once again, has nothing to do with the story. Finally when you think he’s finally gonna get to the story, Ann comes into the studio with a picture of Adam, Drew, Ron, and Heather to settle the debate that they were there together to promote Swingers.

    Anyway, the story is that Adam was chiding Heather for going from doing a good movie like Swingers to being in something about the porn industry in the 1970’s with Burt Reynolds and Marky Mark.

    Adam: “At this time, Burt Reynolds was fresh off of Cop-And-a-Half and a Maaco commercial.”

    Adam was telling her that she should find new representation and that she was ruining her career. lol. Obviously this was before Boogie Nights came out proved to be a really good movie.

    I don’t know if anyone watches Archer on FX, but the character Barry, who works for their rival agency Odin, sounds EXACTLY like Ron Livingston. I always though it was him doing the voice but apparently it’s some guy named Dave Willis, who does the voices of Meatwad and Carl on Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

  2. Dsteelenz

    ha funny comment from Adam on how one day he will write and direct a film…..which he will star in and consequently F up the film. WOW lol did anyone see Road Hard lol

  3. HateSquiggle

    Great episode. Funny calls. Anderson and Carolla get into “the village” and Carolla dooms his future self by saying hell write and direct and f up his movie. And he’s done it twice now.

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