Wednesday, June 30th, 2004 - #2284
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #2284 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
06/30/2004 – Wednesday Night Show
Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004)
This episode is 100% complete with a Medium audio upgrade, Dr. Drew is back in studio with lots of ranting from Adam, dumb callers and classic 2004 LL vibes.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Great “can you get pregnant from anal” call around minute 16. Like – novelty stupid good. Adam advises her to kick her dad in the nuts and then shake her hand towards heaven and go “you’re next!” Update: bogus – blast! A very solid show.
Very funny show. Adam’s rants on hospital food and Bill Clinton.
They fire up the show with a relieved Adam welcoming Drew back from his time away. Drew jokingly says he didn’t think Adam would even notice his absence since he always claims that he does all the work. Adam says it was hard steering guys who have no radio savvy.
Drew (sarcastically): “But I don’t have any, you just carry me.”
Adam: “You’re right, but here’s what you’re like. You’re like a dog who lives near an army base that does nothing, but is used to the shells going off. I don’t have to chase you around the yard, you’re not digging a hole, you just nap through it.”
Adam then moves on to bitching about the whole hospital experience, and most of it is his normal fare of them taking his underpants for a procedure that has nothing to do with his nether regions, to the gowns that provide no coverage whatsoever. But then he talks about a girl in the bay next to him who started freaking out and yelling for her mother.
Adam: “The the horrible Filipino nurses rush in and they’re like ‘YOU STOP NOW!!’ and there’s a struggle.” This whole description he goes through is hilarious.
“I’m very religious that way and I believe in purity.”
Is this A) a caller describing why she’s a virgin, B) a caller describing her stance on abortion, or C) a caller describing why she only takes cocks in her asshole instead of her vagina? Listen to the show to find out.
Adam: “Engineer Mike, everyone. Talking into a NERF microphone.” lol.
This was a pretty solid episode. A few painfully dumb young ladies. Adam rants about hospitals throughout the episode. Also contains a pretty solid religion rant and a rant about Bill Clinton.
Adam gets political and rails against saltines. He seriously can’t figure out why they serve them in hospitals? Its because people throw up after anesthesia and have trouble keeping down food.
A lot of real good rants this episode
File upgrade.
Adam rants about hospitals for about half the episode, had to listen at 3x speed