Monday, May 3rd, 2004 - #2242

Guest: Jack Osbourne

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.88 (26 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #2242 (feat. Jack Osbourne)
05/03/2004 – Monday Night Show
Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004) with a Fan Stream Recording (2004) Patch

This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, a newly sober Jack Osbourne is in studio to promote his work along with Drew in the movie 'New York Minute' their costar Andy Richter was scheduled to appear as well however as later revealed he took an edible earlier in the evening and was too messed up to even remember he was booked. Adam and Jack go in depth on Adam's struggle to play modern first person shooter video games, in particular 'Medal of Honor: Rising son' too bad Jack never did teach Adam how to get out of his bunk in the lower decks.

A caller inquires about the LoveLine tape archives and they're told lies in response with flimsy logic about possible legal jeopardy despite voluntarily giving police tapes of the show without a warrant, apparently archived LoveLine is only for the local police not for the listeners who actually paid everyone's salary. Too bad LoveLine was never turned into a podcast with over 100 million downloads that made millions in additional revenue for the parent company, the caller was 9 years too early and probably dropped dead before they ever got to hear an archived episode.

Recording Info:

Added: 4/30/2023

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (15)

  1. Landlubber

    A kid calls in around 18 minutes into the show and says “hey Bam and Ryan, I really like CYK and all your stuff before Jackass.” Problem is, those guys were on like five days before this. lol.

    Jack punches the mic at 47:50.

    Adam says people who kill themselves by jumping off of a building must immediately regret it.

    Adam: “When you’re three and a half feet away from whatever you jumped off of, your first thought must be ‘well this was a bad idea.'”

    Jack: “Okay but, when the people were jumping off the towers, do you think that’s what they were thinking?”

    Adam: “No because — you mean the Twin Towers, right? 9/11?”

    Jack: “Yeah.”

    Adam: “No, they knew that sucked all the way down. That was, I’m gonna jump, I don’t wanna burn. Someone starts burning, you’d jump off anything. Very sad. But thanks for bringing that up Jack. Alright everybody, New York Minute, a great film!”

  2. Andy Richter is a no-show and Adam bagging on him (good-naturedly) all night was hilarious. Andy Richter eventually calls in to explain how he forgot and is the origin of his “I’m retaaarded” drop.

  3. HateSquiggle

    Start of the show Anderson gives no applause for Jack. Which he tells his After Disaster listeners he would not give applause if he wasn’t a fan of the guest. Andy Richter calls in and comes off as complete asshat. Adam gives him a bunch of shit but Andy could care less. Jacks a pretty good guest and contributes to he show

  4. iowaandy

    Is this the first time Adam has talked about playing video games? (Last 15 minutes or so). He talks about playing a Pearl Harbor game (assume Medal of Honor: Rising Sun) but he couldn’t get out of belly of the ship in the beginning and gave up.

  5. master0fn0ne1337

    33:35 oof ironic for Adam to say when he openly admits to downing a bottle of wine every night. people with addiction are notorious to lie about their alcohol consumption.
    Always suspected Adam had an issue with alcohol. I remember in a show in the 1990s where Drew told Adam that he was an alcoholic. Adam also looks like shit now due to alcohol consumption. Sad.

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