Monday, April 19th, 2004 - #2232

Guest: The Darkness

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

4.07 (43 votes)

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Show Summary:

CLL #2232 (feat. The Darkness)
04/19/2004 – Monday Night Show
Source – Tucker Stream Recording (2004)

This episode is 100% complete with a medium audio upgrade, The Darkness are making their one and only appearance on CLL. This is a legendary episode, if you have not heard as to why, listen and find out for yourself!



Dan Hawkins & Frankie Poullain

Walk off the show after first break because they got scaaaaaaaaared

Recording Info:

Added: 4/10/2023

Recorded By: ?

Transferred By: Giovanni

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (36)

  1. llfan

    Famous episode where the band walks out mid-show and on the air. It’s an uncomfortable scene for Adam and Drew. Granted, the callers this night had really messed up stories.

  2. pastahero

    I must be the only one who gives the Darkness a break. They’re from England, probably going from city to city, making one appearance after another on radio shows they’re not familiar with. Here they are at a station with “ROCK” in its name, and all of a sudden they’re in the middle of conversations about bulimia and child rape. Plus, they tried to be as respectful as possible on their way out. It’s not like they got bored after 20 minutes of bland calls and said “F this, we’re out.”

  3. zoohunter

    After listening to this a few times over the years, I don’t blame the guest as much, they were putting in some effort at first and it wasn’t working… either they were just drunk or it wasn’t translating, and then they were subjected to Adam and the sick callers/public and they were overwhelmed, i don’t blame the band as much as i did at first, they were pretty civil, so i have respect for that, at least…

  4. Justin

    Drew had a good point about the kids who do actually listen to celebrities and such, but like Adam said having no guest is better haha.
    Good listen otherwise.

  5. blorgus

    I could imagine a scenario where one of the band members had something horrible happen to them as a child, and the subject matter here was bringing up a lot of uncomfortable memories.

  6. pastahero

    @blorgus, I give the band a break here but that’s a stretch. It was probably their discomfort plus their handlers’ concerns that led them to duck out.

    @Surgedude, when exactly does the “asshole-fest” occur? I’m looking for precise minutes and seconds when they said something rude and/or disrespectful. It sounds like you’re just regurgitating Adam & Drew’s revisionist history of the band saying, “We came here to talk about US so fuck this, we’re leaving.”

  7. rcpiercy

    Sorry, can’t defend the band whatsoever. They amount to a one hit wonder who thought a 2 hour radio show called loveline would focus around them. Drew made a great point about how teens listen to celebrities. If you listen to the band before they left, you get the impression they enjoy the good things about cheap celebrity, but don’t like to do the work of going on tv and radio to promote. See where that attitude got them. It’s funny, from listening to old loveline episodes you really change your mind about rockers you expect to be dcks (Dave Navarro and Tommy Lee come to mind). This band got what they deserved and I hope their recording contract screwed them over big time.

  8. kjones16

    The Darkness left, because a girl (15) called in who was raped when she was 9 years old by a 36 year old guy when she was on a camping trip with her family. She feels not too traumatized by it, because she didn’t fight back.

  9. gibsonsg91921

    yeah, i think they didn’t realize what the content of the calls would be and felt like they wouldn’t have anything to contribute. some really horrible stuff happened to the callers and they left with class.

  10. snowblindfriend

    Glad @justin brought the youtube clip up. For all of you who think the band might be even a little bit decent, watch that video and tell us that you still would cut them ANY slack whatsoever…

  11. Dsteelenz

    Definately a rough call to begin with, especially if the band weren’t really told whgat the show was really about. Out of all the media obligations these guys will have had Loveline is very unique, so I can see why they were uncomfortable.

    That said it still doesnt let them off the hook for walking out mid show. They should have left during the break like many have previously mentioned. Very douchbagy move especially since Drew makes a hell of a good point about how important it is for these kids to hear their heroes talk about these tough issues.

    What does that say to the kids who look upto them……lets bail and dissociate at the first sign of feeling uncomfortable. The one thing drew is trying to help these kids NOT DO when faced with harsh emotions……ASSHOLES.

  12. OscarMilde

    I thought they handled their departure pretty gracefully and as Adam mentioned, it was probably also an out for them so they wouldn’t have to sit around for two hours talking about something other than themselves. They did seem a bit up their own asses about their “purpose for being on this Earth.” So you play an instrument – big whoop.

  13. clawson26

    Thank you for posting the commercial OscarMilde!
    That wasn’t a bad commercial at all, Adam should do more voice work. He always LOOKS so uncomfortable he makes me cringe but when you can only HEAR him he sounds relaxed and funny. Great time capsule!

  14. HateSquiggle

    The Darkness were horrible. Find out it’s not all about them so they leave. You can tell it bothered Adam but he doesn’t care, Drew on the other seems to take it very offensive. Odd but funny episode

  15. blindaudio

    After seeing the video that was posted here, not a fan of their attitude at all. I understand that they may have not felt qualified, but were any of the bands before them qualified? Of course not. But they still wanted to give genuine advice and help out the youth. I don’t feel like the darkness wanted to do that at all.

  16. iowaandy

    At the end of the show, Adam tries to get Drew to break HIPAA confidentiality (regarding the Courtney Love quote). Drew has to explain HIPAA, but Adam doesn’t believe him despite not even having heard of HIPAA before. (Paraphrasing: “You speed while driving home, right? Well why can’t you talk about it then?”)

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