Sunday, April 11th, 2004

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.94 (36 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Comments (14)

  1. pastahero

    Adam wants to surveil DDD’s coming out of Victoria’s Secret from a van in the parking lot. Adam goes nuts doing a Morning Zoo routine; he takes a call and confuses the caller. Adam tells a story about hearing a neighbor having sex when he was a kid.

  2. Landlubber

    The guys get to talking about Scooby Doo 2 and how Matthew Lillard did a really good job as Shaggy this time around.

    Adam: “He’s a gifted thespian. No look, here’s what happens, I swear to Christ. In my book, we got all these ac-toors playing some gimp with an easel in front of them doing a little painting and everyone applauds because the guy has a lisp and only has the use of one eye, and all of a sudden we have to give Daniel Day Lewis another Oscar. To me, the tall order is playing Jim Morrison or being Shaggy. Like if they said to me ‘hey do you think you can portray a struggling gay painter?’ I’d say ‘yeah, give me a month and I’ll come up with something.’ But if they asked me to be Shaggy, I’d be like ‘hey we gotta go daddyo’ and it would be totally lame. It might be considered light weight fluff, but it’s a tall order. You have to become this guy that was a cartoon, and get all the mannerisms and the voice right. I’m just saying.”

  3. MoreAnimalThanMan

    1:10m to 1:14m is some of the best Lightning round style material ever delivered on Loveline. You can hear both Drew and Anderson laughing at Adam’s antics and Drew even participates more than once. 10/10 Lightning round material, laughed out loud for three minutes straight and had to register just to post this.

  4. rlfstr

    Sort of upsetting call from a girl who tried to give herself an abortion with a coathanger.

    Amazing that people who get ideas like this and try to go thru with it exist.

  5. Landlubber

    Hilarious jag about that HBO show where they mic up a bunch of hookers on the job and all the Johns who try to haggle with the prostitutes.

    “Yeah it’s $15 for a blowjob, $20 for sex.”

    “Aww come on baby, you gotta do me better than that.”

    How bad have things gotten in your life when you’re trying to negotiate with a whore because $15 is just too rich for your blood?

    Adam says it’s terrible that they put these guys on TV because not only would their wives recognize their cars and voices, but also “their order.”

    “Hey baby, how much extra for the thumb?”

  6. pastahero

    God, Adam and Drew can be SO DUMB sometimes. They can’t figure out if a GorF story is about a cat eating “mince” or “mints.” Even though the story also mentions the cat eating meat.

  7. iowaandy

    It’s good to have Anderson back. Not to nit pick but I’m going to say this was not a Lightning Round, though. He just does some DJ gibberish. LR’s are at the end of the show with drops from Anderson and they typically buzz through calls quickly. It was funny, though.

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