Wednesday, April 7th, 2004

Guest: Dave Attell

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.98 (30 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the TV show Insomniac with Dave Attell

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Added: 8/2/2017

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Comments (17)

  1. mahalo0789

    i was rolling a j and he said the troll doll comment and i busted up in laughter and the air out of my nose blew my herb all over the carpet..ive never had such a bittersweet moment in my life

  2. Landlubber

    A kid calls in who says he has a great impression for Adam. He says “what the hell was that?” and has to repeat it for the guys. He says it’s an impression of Peter Griffin and the guys are thoroughly underwhelmed.

    For the record, the “what the hell is that” line is from the pilot episode of Family Guy. Peter is talking to a doctor who asks him if he’s ever had any unusual health issues. He thinks and says “Well I never got gas until I was 30.” There is a cut away and it’s him with long hair sitting on a couch. He farts, then says “what the hell was that?”

    So….you know, for the record.

    A kid named Julio calls in and says he’s been sleeping with his brother’s wife for the past two years. He says he met the girl at work. He works at an assisted living facility as a dietary aide.

    Adam: “Let me explain dietary aide, you see that sack of potatoes Julio? Yeah grab that. Dietary aide. One of the geezers threw up, clean it up.”

    I was a dietary aide at an assisted living facility when I was younger. He is correct.

  3. benz041

    A prophetic Dave Attell suggests that a good way to find Bin Laden would be to hide some porn near him (the previous joke being that your girlfriend will find your stash no matter how well it was hidden).

    Maybe not how they found the guy, but pretty funny still.

    Attell could be an alternate (darker) universe loveline host. Often he’ll tag or go off on a tangent to the same source material as Adam, but has a totally different take on the joke or perspective on the analysis. I don’t remember a guest who is better at being involved in the show, not stepping on Adam, and still having a completely different take.

    Attell is still hand-down one of the best comics working (IMO).

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Calls & Tags (3)

  • call



    Yvonne, F, 16

    Wants to know if she's too young to have sex "so she can be in love".

    bogus call virginity

  • call



    Eric, M, 17

    Has a (terrible) impression for Adam.

    comment for host

  • call



    Julio, M, 18

    Having sex with brother's wife. Really dumb, and can't answer questions. Has knocked her up multiple times. Should he end it?


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