Monday, March 29th, 2004
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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I think they missed a smoke detector beep around 6:30 (at the beginning of the first call).
nana hey…..
My favorite quote is in this show and I always use it as my favorite quote, “I’m an atheist serial killer robot”
A male CNA (certified nursing assistant) calls in and Adam tells him whatever you do, don’t wear those white leather funky Earth shoes where the toe is up higher than the rest of it. “Do they have to wear those clunky he/she hermaphrodite shoes?”
Clearly he’s talking about Crocs. I used to work at a hospital and they outlawed Crocs because they all had holes in them (I have no idea the functionality of holes in your shoes but okay) and the fear was that if you drop a syringe they could pass through the hole and pierce you. Sounds nuts, but if there is one shred of liability that the hospital management see, they will ferret that shit out right quick.
A girl calls in with a “woodworking question about hanging doors” according to the screeners, but it goes less than great. She says she watches a TV show with a handyman and he wipes glue off of wood and she would like to know the proper way to do this.
Adam: “You watch a woodworking TV show and you want to call me about how the guy wipes glue off of wood? He takes a damp rag and wipes it off.”
Caller: “Yeah, and I want to know the proper way to do that.”
Adam: “………you take a damp rag and wipe it off.”
lol. I think the girl is just a fan and knows that Adam loves carpentry questions, but in true Loveline fashion, that was the best she could come up with.
Right after that, the screeners try to redeem themselves and tell Adam that they have a caller with a “real” woodworking question for him. It’s another girl and she just wants to know what kind of wooden table she can make to do her woodworking on.
Adam: “Alright, I’m done.”
Bald Bryan chimes in and says that their listeners are 20-year-old girls and what are they supposed to do? Adam says he’s knocking him down to $5/hour for this indiscretion.
Tonight, one of the more annoying parts of Adam’s final year on Loveline is born. He doesn’t go full Chief Thunderbear, but he gets the idea to talk to callers in Native American gibberish to see if they can just understand his basic point based on his inflection. Oh how I wish he never got this idea. You’ve got your people who hate the Lightning Round, others who hate the “get a hand in, break it down, helmet’s not a chair” gimmick, and people like me, who absolutely cannot stand Chief Thunderbear. A rare miss for the Ace Man.
A guy calls in at the end of the show who weighs 407 pounds. He starts off by saying that he used to play football, is 6’3″, an has a big frame. lol. There’s really no need to try and justify or pad the fact that you’re over 4 bills. He says he tried Weight Watchers but the woman told him he was losing weight too fast and she was gonna get in trouble so he quit.
Adam and Drew complain about the super rigid plastic casing on things like new staplers. Had I been listening back then, I would have called in with a tip: go around the edges with a can opener. Perhaps now this wisdom might benefit someone.
some great chief thunderbear speak near the end
Microwave container rant.