Sunday, February 22nd, 2004

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.60 (23 votes)

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Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Comments (4)

  1. Landlubber

    A girl calls in at 11 minutes and starts her call by saying she overheard Drew talking to Adam while she was on hold before the show actually started and Drew cusses a lot. According to her, Drew was throwing around quite a few F-bombs. Adam laughs and says Drew is very passionate. Apparently he doesn’t let this side of himself show unless he doesn’t think anyone is listening. She starts to say what Drew was talking about, and he cuts her off saying “up up up!” not wanting her to cuss or reveal what he was saying. lol.

    Later, Drew says he ran into a guy who worked over at Politically Incorrect who apparently was the guy who Natalie from the Dixie Chicks contacted to get a hold of Adam to ask him to be her date for the Grammy’s a couple years back. This of course led to one of the more epic pranks in the history of pranks. First, Adam’s ego takes a hit when Drew reveals that Adam was not Natalie’s first choice, but then gets a boost when he finds out her first choice was Brad Pitt. Adam says “yeah, well where is that Brad Pitt? I’m on the radio, what’s he doing? Banging the bejesus out of Jennifer Anniston? But he’s not on the radio, is he?”

    16-year-old kid calls in with a Germany or Florida and his voice tips Adam off.

    Adam: “Hey Dallas, virgin, yes?”

    Dallas: “Oh God, yes.”

    Adam: “Yes. Okay buddy, keep up the bad work.”

    A girl calls in and pleads with the guys to not have Dr. Bruce or Stryker fill in for Adam or Drew ever again. I agree with Stryker, but Dr. Bruce is a good change-up from Drew every now and again. Anderson fires up the obligatory “if this is true you are going to go to jail buddy” drop that must play whenever Dr. Bruce’s name is mentioned.

  2. spoudini

    *Gag*: “Irene” at 10:57-13:45 is the execrable Miriam, without doubt.

    No bogus histrionics this time, but the same gasping/wheezing breaths, distinctive laughter and speech patterns (e.g. pronouncing words with “-ing” suffixes as “-ing-guh”), and her signature refrain: “I’M SAWWRREE!”

    I hope she’s spent the last eighteen years drifting between truck stops in the Midwest, getting ritualistically beaten by johns while hooking to finance her rampaging rock habit.

  3. proudcdnguy

    45:00: Adam discusses how he was sick over the weekend. Dr. Drew called Adam 4 times to check in on him. Adam always says he’s never been sick but of course he has!

    1:24:58: Adam brings up Dave Navarro getting a colonic and rants about the insanity of those want to “cleanse” their body of “toxins”.

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    Miriam (as "Irene"), F, 16

    This time Miriam's obsessive need to be on the show is under the guise of asking some non-question about an herbal drug commercial.

    other drugs


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