Sunday, February 15th, 2004
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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I like this one. Drew is back after Adam hosts with different doctors and guests, and you can really sense the appreciation Adam has for his return.
Adam comes back from a break talking about how he went to the symphony the night before. He said a very nice usher girl gave him the green light to go pee before the show started, and of course he comes back and he’s locked out. Well she is on the line to apologize for it. She says they usually start three minutes after the time that they started that night. Adam says “that’s alright, it’s just my wife blamed me.” Roxy (the usher) says “oh yeah, she totally did but then she said you were really mad at me and hated me.” lol
A phone sex operator calls in and discusses her work. One of her strangest calls was when she had to make vomiting noises for like 7 minutes.
Adam: “That was probably Crank Yankers.”
He then asks her to give her best fake heave.
Caller: “Hnnnahahaaghghghg”
Adam: “No…I could not beat off to that.”
She says some guys ask to send her gifts. Adam’s like “yeah, they’re probably like “oh baby I’m gonna send you a tennis bracel….unggghaaaa…..uh….I gotta go.”
At the end of the show:
Adam: “Melissa?”
Melissa: “Hello.”
Adam: “What’s happening baby doll?”
Melissa: “Nothing, I’ve just been WAITING to get on. Me and my friend have been trying to get on since like 8th grade.”
Adam: “Yeah, you’ve been on hold for two hours and five minutes.”
Melissa: “Yeah. That’s a long time.”
Adam: “Yeah. We’ve got about 45 seconds, what’s up?”
Adam on Drew’s kids high fiving Yao Ming:
“What did they do?! High five Yao Ming’s nutsack?”
The phone sex thing was very funny:):)
Adam definately seems glad Drew is back….I think he likes the fact that Drew answers a majority of the questions, allowing Adam to jump in with the jokes. When Drew is away Adam seems to step up and take the lead answering all the questions……even when they’re medical.
Best ever drew hitting the Mic at around 39 minutes. Hilarious. Almost spot out my coffee. ‘drew are you retarded?’
00:46:08 The usher who locked Adam out of the symphony calls in to apologize, sweet girl
The sidetracks they get into are pretty meh. It feels like they go on forever about getting excited about ordering a steak at a restaurant and then being disappointed when it comes back that you can’t have it. Next caller!
Adam made me laugh so hard when he was making fun of Drew’s book promotion + payment. Iconic ✨