Wednesday, February 11th, 2004
Guest: Dominic Monaghan
Host: Adam, Dr. Alter
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Show Summary:
From the movie The Lord of the Rings.
Adam is joined by Dom Monaghan (of Lord of the Rings and, later, Lost), and Dr. Alter. It starts out with a tense, but hilarious argument about international sports, after which it settles into calls and discussion of Dr. Alter's work. Dom is an excellent guest, and Dr. Alter is interesting as usual.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
An excellent episode in which Adam masterfully handles having two interesting but very different guests.
Adam is joined by Dom Monaghan (of Lord of the Rings and, later, Lost), and Dr. Alter. It starts out with a tense, but hilarious argument about international sports, after which it settles into calls and discussion of Dr. Alter’s work. Dom is an excellent guest, and Dr. Alter is interesting as usual.
Hilarious Football vs Soccer argument at the beginning.
Dom is a great guest (check out his recent appearance on the podcast). Dr. Alter is a great fill-in doctor and a very good sport. He seems to have some serious congestion, though; there’s some heavy breathing throughout the show.
I have never had such a loathing of a person on loveline. Dr. Alter is extremely annoying mostly because he lacks a sense of humor. Adam makes jokes that are obviously not serious and Dr. Alter refuses to play along. Alter make know how to lop off a penis but he seems to have a problem with humor
@lgrac123 idk what you’re talking about when you call Dr. Alter “loathing” and “lacks sense of humor”….he was jovial and lighthearted, and was laughing at Adam”s jokes entire show…, Dom was kind of a prick about the football thing, but everyone got a long in the end and it was a good show.
“I been sexing for a good….22, 23 years……Im all humped out baby!!!”
A good guest throughout… except for the beginning.
What are you talking about Igrac123? Dr. Alter laughs at a bunch of Adam’s jokes and is a really good sport about all the crap he gives him. Way better than Dr. Bruce, if you ask me.
The guest is just ok, though.
Adam: Why do you need two sets of labia?
Dr. Alter: Probably keeps things moist
Dominic: not in my experience