Sunday, February 8th, 2004
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
Jack that Dork!
Hilarious show!!
Adam and Drew invent a game show inspired by name that tune, the game entitled "Jack That Dork" is fantastic!
They spend at least 10min creating this game, it's delightful.
This is truly theater of the mind, Adam describing biting the end of your T-shirt is so F'ing funny.
Drew is also hilarious his humor really shines in this episode!
Adam "I'll Jack that Dork in 160!"
Drew "100..150 strokes"
Adam "146"
Drew "142"
Adam "137"
Drew "hhhhh...120"
Adam "Jack that Dork!"
Adam "We get into the Boner Round and now it's like...uhhh Look we got a 8x11 picture of your grandmother...were putting it up on the big screen monitor...or were going to show Schindler's list or you know.."
Adam "I can Jack that Dork in 175"
Drew "174"
Adam "168"
Drew " (gasp) 67"
Adam "Jack That Dork!"
Drew "Nooooooo!"
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
the idea was from a show at least a year before this one.
“Name that Tune” was discussed the previous night which may have been the inspiration to bring this back up. The show opens up with Adam singing “Vehicle” at top volume and berating Drew for not knowing the song, saying the fact that Drew does not do drugs but still does not recognize any pop culture references is a great platform for why you should do drugs. I always love when Adam sings – not sure why because his voice is slam terrible. If only “Jack that Dork” was a real game show…..
Love this show… Adam sings “Vehicle” teaches Drew the lyrics… I LOVE YA! love ya .. NEED YA! need ya… GREAT GOD IN HEAVEN YOU KNOW I LOOOOOVE YA…. ha ha ha great show!
Girl calls in who says everytime she orgasms during sex with her boyfriend, she gets the insatiable urge to eat, and gorges herself. Her choices, she says, are somewhat limited given the fact that she’s a vegetarian. But she also claims that since this started, she’s gained about 70-80 pounds.
Adam: “How much do you weigh?”
Caller: “Right now?”
Adam: “Ehh, first year of Junior High.”
Drew actually has an intriguing theory on the food/sex connection. He saw a patient who got sexually abused by her father and everytime he would do it, he would give her a cookie afterwards. So she always associated sex with cookies. lol. Earth ladies and gentleman.
A woman calls in who says that last time her boyfriend gave her oral and she had an orgasm from it, she peed on him. Listeners of this show will know this is referred to as female orgasmic incontinence and a normal, if somewhat uncommon phenomenon.
Caller: “And I was just wondering if it was gonna happen next time.”
Adam: “No. Next time it’s gonna be number 2.”
Jack That Dork is born when a caller says he’s been masturbating since he was 12 and he’s gotten so proficient at it that he can knock one out in a single commercial break.
Adam goes on to talk about how Larry King and Barbara Walters both do that thing where they put an R after certain names, like Maddoner and Kelly Ripper. Adam says that proves that everyone who works for Barbara must be terrified of her, because if they weren’t somebody would’ve pulled her aside long ago and corrected her. Funny that he brings that up, because — and I know I’ve mentioned this before on here but it drives me nuts — Adam always pronounces the word hypotheSIS like hypotheSEES, and not a single person ever corrects him. Nobody ever. Not even once. Drives me up the friggin wall.
“Do you have a big penis?”
“I have a big personality!”-Adam
“Jack the Dork” has to be one of the funniest and least remembered loveline bits of all time. Hilarious.
Interesting call around an hour in. I’m too lazy to look up the exact time. Anyway, the female caller has a child with a guy, but they’re not married. This brings up so many odd quotes. Including Dr. Drew saying that he wanted to slap these two. Others included “why would he have a child with me, if…” to which Adam said “because he got a boner”.
Drew is great during this run of shows. His sense of humor is spot on and he really begins feeding off of and into Adam.
Adam “I’ll Jack that Dork in 160!”
Drew “100..150 strokes”
Adam “146”
Drew “142”
Adam “137”
Drew “hhhhh…120”
Adam “Jack that Dork!”
Adam “We get into the Boner Round and now it’s like…uhhh Look we got a 8×11 picture of your grandmother…were putting it up on the big screen monitor…or were going to show Schindler’s list or you know..”
Adam “I can Jack that Dork in 175”
Drew “174”
Adam “168”
Drew ” (gasp) 67″
Adam “Jack That Dork!”
Drew “Nooooooo!”
This is really a sleeper hit
Great episode. Between Adam singing and Adam and drew playing jack that dork this episode was full of good humor. Good times!
The funniest thing in this episode to me is also the funniest thing I’ve ever heard Drew say…. When talking about Jack That Dork, Drew suggests Sabre Dance be played during the attempts….. Im from Buffalo and a big hockey fan, Sabre Dance was used a lot when I was younger for our hockey team….. I recommend looking it up if you’re not familiar, makes what he said much more funny if you know it.
Good episode marred by a transphobic rant in the last 5 minutes. Shameful that Drew eggs Adam on.
I don’t think the word “transphobic” was even around back when this episode aired. Things were very different then
It’s very interesting to hear Adam talk about sampling songs. So many fake artists just use the hook of an old song and it’s true. The only thing people like is the good part.
I addition to Jack That Dork, I think this is one of or the first episode where Adam starts asking a lot of arithmetic questions during Radio Math. “Drew what’s 19 minus 7?”