Monday, January 26th, 2004
Guest: Kevin Nealon
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Very strange dueling drops at minute 57 – caller Danny claims he can go head to head with Anderson and of course is le mis. They regale the “just thinking about the Holocaust” phone sex operator story which Kevin appreciates. Love Nealon on “Weeds” – he may have had the best insult towards a woman of all time “she is a cock gobbling thunder cunt!”
Kevin is a great guest but a little subdued here. In his 2002 appearance he fires off one great deadpan line after another; he is really masterful when it comes to delivery.
Kevin Nealon- “Isn’t there a nutmeg state?”
Drew – “I think it’s Vermont. It’s not Connecticut”
Connecticut is the nutmeg state. good times.
Dr. Drew throws down a decent zinger at 1:11:10.
anderson is wasted at 56 min
Adam reveals DAG is a diva.
Maybe I’m just a fuck ass but this was the 2nd episode that I wasn’t super impressed by. Not to say he was a bad person by any means by but he really doesn’t stick with me like I thought he would.
Love Kevin. He’s a good guest, little laid back. Anderson is sick and back from camp so him and Adam get into it a bit. Good episode
So-so episode. Anderson isn’t wasted but he sounds like death. Adam tries extra hard when there is another comedian. A caller asks about cancer and genetics and Drew rattles off some kind of gene code like we’re supposed to know what it means.
I agree. He tries so hard when theres another comedian. Good observation.
Adam talks too much about dumb shit in this episode.