Monday, January 19th, 2004
Guest: Stephen Baldwin
Host: Adam, Dr. Bruce Heischober
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Show Summary:
From the TV show Celebrity Mole.
Oft referenced episode in which Stephen Baldwin espouses his creepily sincere "skater evangelism" and makes an attempt to save Adam. Near halfway through Baldwin's time Adam starts calling out random pages of the Bible that coincidentally relate to earlier calls (describing skin lesions after a call about a potential std, and picking out the page featuring John 3:16 after discussing "Rainbow Man" and popular allusions to that verse). Baldwin considers this a sign from above and hilarity ensues.
Two great moments: Anderson drops in the vibrator buzz when Baldwin is telling a girl to reach out to Jesus when she's alone in bed and all is quiet; and, Adam declares his holy trinity of wine, porn, and sperm. Look out for some hilarious and semi awkward Alec dissing by brother Stephen (aided by Anderson's Alec drops) and of course Adam's critiques of Doctor Spaz.
This great episode ends with a hybrid "SHONDALA, SHONDALA, MAHALO."
Recording Info:
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Oft referenced episode in which Stephen Baldwin espouses his creepily sincere “skater evangelism” and makes an attempt to save Adam. Near half way through Baldwin’s time Adam starts calling out random pages of the Bible that coincidentally relate to earlier calls (describing skin lesions after a call about a potential std, and picking out the page featuring John 3:16 after discussing “Rainbow Man” and popular allusions to that verse). Baldwin considers this a sign from above and hilarity ensues. Two great moments: Anderson drops in the vibrator buzz when Baldwin is telling a girl to reach out to Jesus when she’s alone in bed and all is quiet; and, Adam declares his holy trinity of wine, porn, and sperm. Look out for some hilarious and semi awkward Alec dissing by brother Stephen (aided by Anderson’s Alec drops) and of course Adam’s critiques of Doctor Spaz. This great episode ends with a hybrid “SHONDALA, SHONDALA, MAHALO.”
Adam picks 2 random pages of the bible. the first one he says will relate to some theme or topic from the show. Page 222 does relate to STD’s and itching. Stephen asks ‘what are the odds that the one of the previous caller’s question’s central topic, itching, and the bible page have the same word, itch…’ I grew up going to church every week so I thought that the word itch or itching may be in the bible to the tune of 10 times or so, it’s not. I looked it up, it’s only in the most common version of the bible 2 times.
the second page Adam picks somewhat answers the girls question about depression, and is the same page of the of the only other verse that the trio discussed earlier in the show, John 3:16.
Great epi and it becomes fodder for an appearance that Adam made on Howard Stern some time later.
“I’m going to pray for you too, Adam. I am dude – because you are obviously such a RETARD!”
After Stephen goes on the self-righteous jag about “knowing” the same religious truths as Dr. Bruce – a switch is thrown and Adam steadily starts dialing up and digging into Baldwin. Pretty entertaining!
Baldwin’s spiritual babbling ruins the episode, IMO. It’s incredibly awkward.
I love how Christians see divinity in coincidence.
Heh. Adam talking about how Dr. Marcel and other plastic surgeons are the pimps of the medical community, “He does a lot of great work. Like someone get’s hit by a landmine… gives them a boob job.” (paraphrased)
oh your god is stephen a massive massive jackass. I would prefer to hang out with a pedophile than that retard.
45:20ish, Baldwin calls the book of Deuteronomy “Deuteromotry.” Brilliant theologian, that guy.
I love how atheists see coincidence in divinity.
Stephen is CRAZY yet delightful. He’s not interested at all in plugging the Celebrity Mole show he’s there for, would rather talk about his recently adopted born-again status, and the movie he just produced featuring evangelical skateboarders/bmx riders, doing extreme sports for Jesus.
I can see how Baldwin can be religious……..but Dr Spaz, really!!! I thought having a Phd in front of your name meant you were imune to nonsense.
Livin It the movie is on youtube. I had to watch it after hearing Baldwin. It’s freaking hilarious.
Steven is obnoxious this episode… making phone calls, preaching Christian skateboarders, jebus this jebus that. Wayyyyy to much JC bullshit in this episode. Bruce bible thumps enough…
This was actually entertaining. Anderson fires off some great drops to jab at Stephen, Adam has positive vibes, and Dr. Bruce is always fun.
Not even a super religious person but this guy is super annoying lmao.
Too much talking. Not enough calls. ><
I think this is a good episode. I think Stephen Baldwin is actually sorta entertaining. He goes off a lot on Christianity but he sucked up to Adam a lot in the beginning so Adam was going along with it. As an atheist who doesn’t believe in these fairy tales, I think Stephen was still entertaining enough and is still a lot better than some right wing pro life loons that occasionally talk on the show.