Tuesday, November 4th, 2003

Guest: Ataris

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.78 (15 votes)

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Show Summary:

John Collura & Chris Knapp

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

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Comments (8)

  1. inFRUITthe

    This crazy rehab chick Erica calls around minute 50 that has what Adam refers to as a “crazy comanche yell” when she is trying to speak. Anderson keeps playing it which confuses her – it is hysterical.

  2. 000

    totally agree with inFRUITthe.
    then i knew anderson was gonna play iyt as his last drop at the end of the show. ans when he did, it was just as funny.

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    Ericka, M, 28

    Discusses relapses. Makes a funny sound. Anderson drops it multiple times to which she replies with,“What is that sound?” YUEGGHHHHHHHH

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