Sunday, November 2nd, 2003
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Adam goes off on a rant about women being stupid the first 5 minutes in
The first caller of the night, well let’s just get to it.
Adam: “I gotta talk to Stephanie really fast. Stephanie?”
Stephanie: “Adam I love you, you’re hilarious, but I wonder why you hate wom….*Adam puts her on hold*
Adam: “Thank you! We cleared that up. I didn’t know she just wanted to compliment me.”
Drew: “Doesn’t look like that by what’s up on the board.”
Adam: “I know it says why are you a chauvinist.”
Drew: “Maybe there’s something to follow what her original comment was.”
Adam: “She said she loved me. I can’t imagine there’s more, I don’t know maybe more praise, Stephanie?”
Stephanie goes on to say she doesn’t understand why Adam has to hate on all the women who call the show and women in general. She takes offense to him always saying women don’t know anything.
Adam: “Look, I like the ladies. They’re better at some things.”
Drew: “Better at most things.”
Adam: “NO! No no no, not most things. Not nearly most things, please.”
Drew: “They use more of their brain all the time.”
Adam: “No, they use more of their brain like a handicapped person uses more of their wheelchair. They have to try harder, they’re at a handicap.”
He goes on to say he resents seeing these Nike commercials with women soccer players complaining that they don’t get the same kind of big endorsement deals as their male counterparts. He reasons that the men get the bigger deals because that’s what the market wants to see. Female runway models make 8,000 times more than the top male model. That’s the way it goes. He doesn’t make the rules, but that’s the society we’re in. Plus, every woman he’s ever known has cried at work at least 5 times in her life. What man do you know that would start crying in the workplace? lol.
A kid calls in to say that Adam never got to finish a story he was telling about the celebrity softball game which was part of the MLB All Star Game/HR Derby festivities. The story basically is that Jimmy was managing the team Adam was on and put up a picture of a major league baseball player from the 60’s named Ed Kranepool because he looks exactly like Adam, and that everyone including Adam’s wife thought it was a picture of him. I googled Ed Kranepool and he doesn’t necessarily look a lot like Adam except there is one picture he took for a baseball card where he’s in his batting stance and he looks EXACTLY like Adam. That has to be the picture they’re talking about because it’s the only one that looks like Adam, but it looks EXACTLY like him.
Many times, Adam has mentioned that Drew went to the Little Lord Fauntleroy School for Albino Hemophiliacs, but tonight he mentions what their motto is emblazoned on their crest: “Molders of Pussies for a Quarter-Century”
Lengthy transcripts of conversations aren’t need in the comment section, a quick description would suffice.
I disagree. Landluber great does a service for this site.
Reading detailed and often key moments to episodes help me decide if I want to listen to the episode and help me remember old classics.
Landlubber, please keep up the good work, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Thanks Smithmcmagnum, I appreciate that. And yeah Valt, I get what you’re saying, but if I’m transcribing something it’s because I don’t want to paraphrase since the humor is in the whole progression of the exchange.
Also, does the way people comment on here make a difference to anything….like….at all? lol. You can read ’em, skip ’em, scroll past ’em and it all takes like two seconds. A comment can be anything and doesn’t have to fit a certain mold. Plus it’s more of a road map for myself rather than others.
Jesus Christ! He does look like Ed Kranepool !
Adam the Lifehacker.
at 54:20 Joseph 14 wants to know what the guys were for Halloween. Dr. drew didn’t dress as anything, adam digs into drew a little for not wearing a costume at all, not even a cowboy hat. it is here adam makes a strange noise composed of three high-pitched “Eh’s” of various length ended with a gurgling-type noise hes used before on the show. Very random and funny.
Adam went as Nick Lachey and his wife went as Jessica Simpson, show was aired in 2003 back when their marriage was relevant.
This is a really underrated show. Adam has a couple of great rants on Men vs Women in the workplace and on how ipods and cellphones have no grip on them. “You put the thing on your passenger seat and go around a turn and it’s like someone took a snapshot from center ice”
Damn….wish i could have called in for this show. Adam needs a lesson on the history of woman…..in particular a history on restricting womans access to higher education, the professional workplace etc…..We men had a hell of a head start lol
After his generalizations about women, Amber calls in. She sounds a little slow so Adam gives her a math problem, which she does. Then she says she is mildly retarded and Adam feels bad.
Adam mentions going to the “Mac” (Apple) store, which were still pretty new back then.
Also Drew should have won a dollar on the Andrea call 1:04:00
Great pot laugh at 43:06.