Tuesday, September 23rd, 2003
Guest: Suzanne Stratford
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the TV station WJW
The show starts off with Drew asking Adam why he wore a polo shirt to the studio. Adam points out that he had a custom monogram embroidered onto the sleeve. In fact the whole shirt was custom tailored, courtesy of The Jim Rome Show.
Adam announces that his wife has become suspicious of his habit because she asked "Adam, have you been beating off?."
Adam is distracted during the first call because Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Producer Lauren forgot to bring him his coffee. He actually gets it himself during the first break.
This is the show where the blind guy calls in to see if there is a digital copy of Cracked that his computer can read to him.
Adam explains how rape is not a sexual crime, but rather an act of violence. He then makes fun of McGruff the Crime Dog. Anderson plays a clip of McGruff saying "Where do you keep your wallet?" Adam replies with "Up your ass you mutt!"
A Fox news reporter from the show's Cleveland affiliate is in the studio. She conducts an interview with Adam and Drew. Her name is Susan Stafford. Adam makes the mistake of calling her Susan (Su-zin) while here name is really Susan (Su-zan). Drew's wife's name is Su-zin while Adam's wife's best friend's name is Su-zan. He says he switches them around a lot.
When Susan asks how Adam got started on Loveline, Adam tells how he listened to the show on KROQ since the 12th grade and how him and his friends made a bogus call and got it on tape once. The story of Mr. Birchum is then told.
Susan says her ex-boyfriend had a bizarre collection of porn. Adam and Drew ask what kind it was but she won't give an answer. Adam pretty much ends the interview right there by telling engineer Chris to shut her mic off.
Adam goes on a rant about how pens only come in "fine, extra-fine and dental instrument point." Fine is not fine, fine sucks. This is then spawned into a rant about tennis shoes having laces that are way too long while dress shoes have laces that are way too short.
Edit: we Learn that Bruce Campbell is scheduled as an upcoming guest and Adam is stoked, Adam has mentioned his love for Army of Darkness before but he lists Bruce's full resume from memory, he even mentions Sam Raimi.
He mentions Bruce's various television projects and how he is just a fantastic actor, too bad he never ended up doing the show.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
one of Adam’s better rants around 1:07:00 about fine pens and shoelaces
This is actually a No Guest episode.
Edit. Nevermind. She’s a reporter that starts interviewing them towards the middle of the show.
To expand unclepenny’s synopsis: Their “guest” is a polite but obsequious reporter who comes in briefly in the latter half. Things begin fairly, with the kind of mundane questions you’d expect small, shitty interviewers to ask, but after she mentions she’d found her boyfriend in possession of “a lot” of some “creepy porn”, Adam and Drew pump her for specifics. After a few guesses, she refuses to divulge, and Adam gives her an ultimatum: “Tell us or this’s over.” She’s apparently too embarrassed or protective of whatever meager reputation she has and still refuses; Adam has Chris shut her mic off and they take another call as though she’d never been there. Awkwardness reigns for the next few minutes as we don’t know what the situation is in the studio; I can only imagine the reporter dejectedly picking up her shit and seeing herself out. Good times.
0:09:37 “Molly Ringwald’s dad is blind and he ain’t faking. ‘Cause I’ve throw fake punches at him and he don’t move. Either he has nerves of steel or he’s blind. I mean I’ve done serious combos on him. Nothing. Even downstairs, nothing.” hahaha
I dunno how he said this with a straight face
Is this the first time where Adam explains how rape is not a sexual crime but a violent crime, where you cum at the end? Drew gets a real kick out of it
One of my favorite bits and finally heard it in show.
I hated Suzanne from the word go, I’m not sure why. she just sounds like a phony.
Quiet down anderson or i’ll ask Jr Jr Jr Jr producer Lauren what it takes to be an engineer, and she’s gonna say……… a mouth that can fit a lot of Penis in it.
Almost an unbearable episode. Either Adams pissed about something or he’s just done with the show by now. Between being a total ass to the guest and his stupid ass rant about shoe laces….bad episode.
00:14:02 Rape is not a sexual crime
She should have just answered the question.
Drew must have not been thinking inviting Suzanne to the studio to interview Adam. Did he really think Adam would stick around past midnight?
Adam goes full passive aggressive because he’s clearly annoyed at the situation. During the interview, he says since he’s the breadwinner he never has to apologize to his wife, but the whole thing comes across as a very unhealthy relationship, zero respect for his wife as a person.
The ultra thin pen and shoelaces rant was painful as well… but I suspect he is just reacting to Drew ambushing him and not wanting to cooperate and do a real show.
Anderson seems annoyed with Suzanne being there, too (“boring bit.”)
Pretty sure this is the debut of “rape is not a sexual crime”. Been doing a full re-listen and this the first mention.