Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
Guest: Sarah Fisher & Dan Wheldon
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
Discussion of '70s TV movie "Bad Ronald."
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Tuesday, September 16th, 2003
Guest: Sarah Fisher & Dan Wheldon
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Discussion of '70s TV movie "Bad Ronald."
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Discussion of ’70s TV movie “Bad Ronald.”
I was listening to this on a flight to LA and was laughing like a maniac at the “Bad Ronald” synopsis told by Adam. “You’re BADDD Ronald!” I have been obsessed by this movie ever since and guess what kittens?!!!?!?!!?!! IT BE ON AMAZON – PURCHASED IT TODAY!
To Adam’s defense – it has many reviews from some big time fans. I will post once I view this with my brother – we are bad movie aficionados and I am sure it will be an absolute delight. Ronald is one hot ho.
R.I.P Dan 🙁
Very strange, In my chronological listening of LL, I downloaded this episode last week some time, just got to listening to it today. Few minutes in I realized it was the guy who died this weekend. Strange coincidences.
Oh man – R.I.P. Dan. What a true tragedy.
Guests offer very little to the show. Sarah is more engaging than Dan.
Bad Ronald was bad but I’ve seen a lot worse.
At a certain point Adam starts to estimate how much it would cost for him to come out and meet the callers. Hilarious to hear the estimations as the callers keep talking on the phone and revealing stuff about themselves.
Guests are super quite and don’t contribute much. Meh episode
Two strange coincidences during the Bad Ronald bit: First, Adam is describing nerdy Ronald and asks Drew if he has an old photo of himself, which he does! KROQ was doing some kind of “when they were young” calendar or something.
Second, Adam describes Ronald killing someone by hitting them in the head and how that was a big thing in the 70s (get hit in the head and die) … and that is how Dan Wheldon died (trauma to the head in a 15-car pileup during a race).
Adam has a funny bit about coyotes being killed or DESTROYED