Thursday, July 24th, 2003

Guest: no guest

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.93 (34 votes)

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Show Summary:

Adam "Pogi's not so Pogi anymore, is he?"

Drew starts the show by mentioning how a kid approached him thinking he was a rapper and he couldn't figure if it was from Crank Yankers or the Missy Elliot bump in.

Drew then proceeds to rap the bump in again, so F'ing funny.

Adam then compliments temporary engineer ken who is filling for Anderson while he is volunteering at camp Ronald McDonald, he tells Ken how wonderful it is to have an engineer who actually likes the show and will laugh.

Adam then discusses Pogi an old construction coworker, Adam goes off on how the guys name meant handsome and how odd a name that is.

Adam then explains that Pogi actually was kinda handsome until a fateful construction accident, Adam then quickly tells the Pogi vs. Oak story possibly the only time he told it on LL.

Adam goes off on bullets and how they go through everything, he then goes off on the recent war in Iraq and the sons of Sadam and how they probably committed suicide and how all these evil people always get away by suicide.

Adam then explains his new idea get the DNA of the person and "put them back together" so we can kill them and arrange for people who were tortured by these evil people to have torture appointments where they could get in some revenge on the cloned dictator/criminal.

Adam then goes off on how animals tasting human blood used to be a big deal and it seems to have gone away.

Adam comments on his missing teeth on the left side of his mouth and how there are still posts there but no crown so he is chewing gummy candy on the right side of his mouth and how he dreads the dentist.

Adam discusses his Jr. College sensor and makes a funny noise claiming he can taste Jr. College.

Adam goes off on the dentist and flavored toothpaste in particular Pina Colada flavored toothpaste, and then he just goes off on all the odd flavors they might as well do including a sausage flavored condom and Bald Bryan suggest Mustard flavored Spermicide.

Drew discusses Trojan's efforts to make a mint flavored condom.

Drew mocks caller Megan with the conehead's voice Drew "...we come from France.." hilarious!

Drew drops a bunch of great one liners "bong fund"

Adam " take a corn cob off and you break it off in your cooze before you go to bed alright?"

Drew "hmmghghhahaha....not just your cooze, hahaheehee".

Adam goes off on how he gave a date for which the show needed to be moved to the KROQ studios and how that date is this coming Sunday and they still dont have their S' together so he begins naming every employee at KROQ and Westwood 2,none(1) and calls them impotent and then says their not going to like it but is the G,D truth.

Adam yells he is not coming in on Sunday, and how he would love someone to surprise him with doing their job but they never do.

Adam explains why they are finally moving and begs Drew to start being a prick with him Dr. Drew "..I'm going to try..".

Adam discusses how he got the security guard for the show after refusing to show unless their was a guard, he then offers Bryan to not come in until Bryan gets a new computer.

This is the final show from westwood 1,2,none

Rating :10, just for that final rant alone, it's legendary!

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 0.00 MB


Bitrate: 0kb/s

Comments (9)

  1. Landlubber

    Girl calls in who lives with her weird friends. Adam is convinced that a girl can’t live with a man and not have him try something sexual at some point. Adam tells her she is going to wake up and see his silhouette in her doorway, Bud tall boy on the left, boner on the right.

    Adam: “You take a corn cob, before you go to bed you break it off in your cooze.”

    Drew: “Not just her cooze.”

    Adam: “Oh yeah. Hey Megan?”

    Megan: “Yeah?”

    Adam: “Uhh I’m gonna need you to use the other end of the corn cob in the corn hole.”

    Megan: “Uhhhh not really down with that.”

    Adam: “Yeah but he may be. I’m very conservative that way. I drive at 55, I always keep the deadbolt locked at night, I always drive at 10 and 2…and I always sleep with a corn cob up my ass.”

  2. Stung

    Girl at 52min calls in from room adjacent to boyfriend admitting cheating, not getting enough sex, “very sexual person”, when Adam asks if she’s hot, she replies “oh yeah im very hot and guys–” and the rest of her speech commonly vacillates between inappropriate giddyness, initial pressured and constipated speech, and inappropriateness (given boyfriend nearby). Not surprised Drew didn’t miss it, probably 4th time I’ve heard this episode, and I just caught on during my psych rotation: clearly possible hypomania/Bipolar Disorder, despite lack of truly *rapid* speech at the time of the call.

    • AdamFan123

      At this point we’re post-9/11, post-Iraq invasion, and the frequency and themes of the rants have reached another level. It certainly feels like a different show than 7ish years ago. This certainly is a good a point as any to mark the last chapter for the Adam Carolla era of LoveLine.

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