Tuesday, June 17th, 2003

Guest: Dr. Laura Berman & Dr. Jennifer Berman

Host: Adam, Dr. Drew

3.55 (33 votes)

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Show Summary:

From the TV show Berman and Berman

Adam and Drew have a lengthy discussion about the story from the news regarding an old man who drove through a crowd of people at an outdoor event.

Adam really goes off on this guy and how horrible the situation is and how the guy was able to kill so many people, Adam actually gets in some great comedy when describing how he would be so angry he would forget to get out of the way, just yelling the whole time.

Caller Elsa claims to have been abused by her father, Adam "at least you have all ten fingers and...."

Elsa "..actually i only have 9.."

She then proceeds to tell of how she lost a finger in a Cole Slaw accident, Phone screener Tara steps up and claims she thinks this call may be the work of Miriam/Sophia and they put her on hold.

Great one Time only rants.

Adam goes off on how the misspelling of his last name is now at a extreme level and he list all the various things that have his last name misspelled, he argues the Co spelling sounds like a Mexican beer and then Anderson chimes in just to be argumentative and suggest he always thought the Ca spelling was Mexican sounding.

Adam goes oh on his hippie mom and her theories on Toxins and how nuts she is, Adam "..you ever feel tired?...we need to put 70 gallons of black coffee up your ass..".

Drew begs someone to explain what a "toxin" is he wants specific chemical named.

Hilarious, Drew then breaks down "toxins" and explains why those ideas are ridiculous and explains how people are injured by chemicals and explains "Free Radicals".

A guy calls about Chaser pills which are sold as hangover cures, Adam then goes off on these Hangover cures and how much BS they are, in particular the water drinking.


Great calls and Adam inquires to a woman's perineum and Drew whips out the anatomy book and of course Adam protests how much he hates that book but he examines the photos anyway.

Adam "..He Nuts!"

Drew raps along to the Missy Elliot bump in music once again and that inspires Adam to ask Anderson to once again play the Dr. Drew Crank Yankers call, Dr.Drew then explains how he will have to leave the room and Adam tries to talk him down but he explains why it makes him so uncomfortable and how the puppet somehow makes it ok.

Adam explains the process of how they were able to set up the call and actually convinces Drew to stay and listen, Drew does and seems to actually appreciate it.

Drew "..If you had a Hizee you'd be outta the house"

Adam hangs up on a young bitchy caller with his fist its so loud you can hear it through the mic.

Recording Info:

Added: 8/2/2017

Recorded By: timex2

Transferred By: ?

Size: 42.44 MB

Length: 1:32:42

Bitrate: 64kb/s CBR

Comments (11)

  1. Minarets36

    @trevron– the elderly man driving through the farmer’s market was JULY 16,2003
    The Berman and Berman episode was ok. ” you know they are two female Jewish doctors, right Drew?”
    The episode was basically focused around oral sex so most of the calls are about oral sex.
    Adam has one decent rant about why we should have an atheist in the White House. He proceeds to slam both GW Bush and Bill Clinton for being too religious or too media conscious to get things done.

  2. Gabba

    adam puts the girls in their place.

    they ask what would be the motivation for a bogus call as if such things can’t exist.

    “Teenage guys are jackoffs, You guys don’t know that?”

  3. acemanfan

    Wow!!!…. This was a tough episode to listen to… Where did these girls get their education in doctor speak???…. Just stuck w/ it for the gems from the Aceman….

  4. BMacC

    These gals are little female-clones of Dr. Drew, but unlike Drew, who has a little bit….they are completely devoid of sense of humor. They also don’t seem to quite understand the whole Morning After pill debate when Drew brings it up, hm. Blah blah blah blah blah.

  5. iowaandy

    Drew especially is on edge about “bogus callers” due to Miriam being busted the previous night. The guests are saints just for putting up with Adam’s bad mood due to doing Stern early that morning (and calling Stern Drew).
    Anderson has a few well-placed drops.

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