Tuesday, May 27th, 2003
Guest: David Alan Grier
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Adam's birthday
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David Allen Grier drops an uncensored f-bomb while singing.
Miriam (as "Bernadette"), F, 15
Serial geneva convention-violator Miriam says she got Adam a Bday gift, a "blussweddintiers rekyrd" (her horrible pronunciation of BS&T)
Miriam (as "Bernadette"), F, 15
Serial geneva convention-violator Miriam says she got Adam a Bday gift, a "blussweddintiers rekyrd" (her horrible pronunciation of BS&T)
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Did the Devil put his horny toad in your worship spot?
Ooo. The Adam “boogie”.
An absolutely great episode. My favorite DAG-a-roni episode of all time, which is saying a lot. They re play, re visit DAGs songs: fruit in the middle, a skeet skeet here, cheerleading chants, and he sings throughout the episode including to Blood Sweat and Tears. On top of all this its Adams birthday. Fantastic episode, definitely in my top 3.
hillarious from the beginning
Why the fuck does everyone love David Alan Greir? He talks over everyone and makes the whole goddamn show about him. He’s not funny…..at all. Hey maybe if I make a stupid fucking voice and shout nonsensical shit over everybody people will like me. He’s been on the show 17 times–probably more than any other guest ever–and he’s the worst guest ever. Given the level of retardedness of the callers, I can understand why so many people like DAG. You’d have to be a fucking moron to listen to his episodes for more than four minutes.
Fast-forward to any point in the show and tell me it’s not DAG screaming some dumb, un-funny shit and I’ll give you a thousand dollars. This guy is a fucking hack.
I agree. I gave this episode a shot because it’s Adam’s birthday, but DAG runs it. Other than the birth control bit (whatever year that was), DAG sucks
You’re obviously “a fucking hack” who has zero taste. Imbecile.
No need to insult anyone for having a different opinion, us LoveLine fans are a dying breed, we should encourage other people to participate.
The diversity of opinions found here is the goal of the website, let’s try not to discourage other people from participating here and avoid ad hominem asides.
His humor is over your head, that’s why so many ppl think he’s hilarious, including the shows hosts. It’s cause your not bright enough to get the jokes.
It’s interesting that when it’s just DAG and Drew, they actually go through a lot of calls and DAG gives great advice. When he’s with Adam, they’re just screwing around and it’s hilarious.
@Landlubber That’s because he is on medication, which makes it funnier. I enjoy your speech, is that Yale or Harvard talking?
1:24:13 DAG, Adam, and Dr. Drew school songs are hilarious.
@Landlubber is mad cos he found out DAG went to Harvard of the West AND Yale.
No it was Whiskey University talking. But I still think DAG is a hack.
Adam and DAG partying it up in the studio, really fun episode.
1st caller, Bernadette, sounds like serial bogus-caller Miriam
I agree, the first caller is Meriam. Sounds just like her and has all the same giveaways.
Lmao. At around 49:00 DAG jumps into song and I’m pretty sure slips in the f word, although to be fair, sounds close to “funky”.
DAG is on some particularly good stuff this episode.
This is my favorite DAG episode ever. When he’s teasing Drew by making him ‘tell one of his 12 step jokes’ I lose it every time.
This is the only DAG appearance where I found him to be annoying and overbearing. Esp during the end he’s constantly yelling “Go down gamblin!!!”
Great episode. It’s Adams birthday so everyone’s messing around. DAGs uti song is awesome, and the best is when Anderson drops DAG saying Shutup! Top notch episode.
Given the number of episodes featuring DAG, I really want to like him but I… just… can’t…
Repeating inane nonsense into the mic louder and louder each time does not qualify as comedy. I’m still puzzled as to why Adam, a comedic genius, found him so hysterical.
DAG is too manic.. the last 5 minutes when Anderson lays down the DAG drops is funny though