Thursday, May 22nd, 2003
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Calls & Tags (10)
Katie, F, 25
Hooked up with a High School acquaintance at her best friend's wedding reception. He hasn't called and she wants advice on how to proceed.
Ari, M, 16
Slept with an 18-year-old guy she suspects is a sex addict. Wants to know if there's anything she can do to protect future women.
Ari, M, 16
Slept with an 18-year-old guy she suspects is a sex addict. Wants to know if there's anything she can do to protect future women.
Mark, M, 29
Right testicle began to hurt at work. He doesn't believe it's physical (hernia, etc.) and wants to know what it could be.
Margot, F, 19
Started Ortho Tri-Cyclen when she was 13 and is worried about its effect on her sensitivity during sex.
David, M, 19, Idaho
Girlfriend wanted to put Orajel on the tip of his penis to reduce his sensitivity. Adam suspects him of being bogus
Kevin, M
Mason Jar: Is taking a road trip to Yosemite and is concerned about diseases that can be contracted from being exposed to public toilets.
Fox, M, 20
Calls to rant about callers from the previous night's show (Waiter who called in about tips.)
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0:23:14 – “Where’d you read that, Snatch Fancy?” This is a great example of Adam’s genius.
Pretty good bogus call.
Woman calls in who says her vagina lips swell so bad after sex that they hang down about an inch. After some questions from the guys they narrow it down to it being caused by her boyfriend’s large penis.
Caller: “But two of my partners before him were at least an inch bigger.”
Drew: “Around?”
Caller: “Yes, around and length-wise.”
Adam: “Definitely let him know that.”
Caller: “Yeah we’ll just keep that between us.”
Drew: “And the audience.”
Adam: “And him as he veers his truck off the road on the way home from work.”
Adam’s birthday is coming up and as he does every year, he’s getting the guys together to play softball. Drew says he’s going and starts to work in “my kids are great ballpl..” *Adam sharply cuts him off*
Adam: “No!”
Drew: “But they’re really good.”
Adam: “There’s gonna be strippers, hard liquor.”
They then take calls for a while and later Drew sheepishly and quickly says “can I bring my kids on Saturday?” Adam says maybe and just moves on to other things. lol.
28-year-old Stephanie calls in to say she’s been doing online dating and she’s gotten into a really successful relationship with a man. She’s saved herself for marriage and is going to have sex for the first time on her honeymoon with this guy when they go on a cruise to Mexico. Heeeeere’s the thing. She’s only been dating the guy for “the last month.” She called in to ask what she should do to make sex more comfortable because her boyfriend “he has mentioned that he’s very big around.” She lives in Bakersfield, and he lives in Modesto, 3 hours away. So…..let’s tally this up. She’s been dating a guy she met online for a month, has never seen him naked, and lives three hours away from him. No offense to anyone who has done this, but HOW HOW HOW do you marry someone you’ve known for a couple months? I hear people say this all the time and I don’t want to be judgmental but I can’t help it. You tell me you’re marrying someone you met three months ago and I automatically assume you’re one of these insane people on your Facebook who constantly have drama in their lives and can’t figure out why. You know the ones who are always moving to a new place every couple of months, air their insane dirty laundry online, and never have the same job when you talk to them? These kind of people make my skin crawl. Adam and Drew totally gloss over this and basically tell her to use a lot of lube and congrats on the pending nuptials. Does Adam not realize or does he just not have the energy to point out the fact that this is exactly the type of person who will crap out a couple of screwed up kids who won’t have a father?
I knew I posted that comment too soon. Adam’s rant on Westwood 1 has to be shared.
Adam: “You know what Westwood 1 is like? You know how every once in a while you’ve got some crazy aunt or uncle, you go over to their house and walk around and they just have crap that they’ll never use just piled up. They had a subscription to Life Magazine in the late ’60’s, early 70’s and there’s just stacks of ’em in the garage, and inside the house there’s just a crock pot with some duct tape on it not being used. That’s what Westwood 1 is like. It’s just a big graveyard for junk. And it doesn’t discriminate, could be radio junk, computer junk, furniture junk. If this building was a dirigible and we were losing altitude and I just started chucking stuff out the gondola…”
Drew: “You could be at it for hours and nobody would notice.”
Adam: “No! It wouldn’t make difference except I’d save my shins when I walked to the crappy bathroom to whizz all over the floor. This place is such an S-hole. And as a carpenter, I’m forever offended walking through this place. I feel like a Jew going back to Krakow, or Dachau, any of the “cows.” I really am, I’m offended to see any of the hacky carpentry that went on in this DUMP of a building. The guy who built this place should have his hands cut off. This is just nothing more than a mothballed graveyard where crap comes to die. There’s got to be a small appliance section with toasters from the 50’s. There’s piles of computer stuff that’s broken, there’s tons of reel-to-reel equipment that nobody uses. It’s all antiquated and outdated. It reminds me of when 60 Minutes goes through some old Soviet battleships or subs and it’s all just rusting away. It’s like that only we have to live in this place! Somebody please burn this building down and put it out of its misery. This place is like a deer that got clipped by a semi and it’s just laying on the side of the road writhing in pain. Some good samaritan with a .22 in the glove box, please just put a bullet it its head so we can all go home.”
Nothing says “I’m sorry” like some sodomy. I usually go flowers.
How does Adam not know how to pronounce spigot? (He says “spicket.”) Drew must know how. Is he too scared to correct him?
Adam uses clues to discover how much she weighs 57:50
Philosophy on life 1:19:15
Dr Drew with a rare unacknowledged funny at the end of the show:
Adam: I gotta get in on that monkey test group.
Drew: well you’re certainly eligible.
Anderson gone, Ken filling in.