Thursday, May 8th, 2003
Guest: no guest
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
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Show Summary:
CLL #1985 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)
05/08/2003 – Thursday Night Show
Source – Lost Tape VHS (2022)
This episode is 100% complete with a major audio upgrade, Drew is preparing himself for his Hernia Surgery and Adam's voice his blown out from yelling. Adam explains how Drew is a lightweight and goes off on people eating disgusting things on reality TV, specifically 'Fear Factor' and 'Survivor.'
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Big Boobs McGee..
Crazy bitch sneaks husband’s sperm out of prison to impregnate herself.
Adam: What you going to do with the kid?
Caller: Keep it.
Adam: Hmm why don’t you sell it?
Adam: What you going to do with the kid?
Caller: Keep it.
Adam: Hmm why don’t you sell it?
Cod Sperm. Cod Sperrrrrrrrmm.
Very angry woman trying to get pregnant from her then incarcerated husband.
Caller: Well, you’re nutty for putting me on the air, anyway.
Adam: Yeah, but listen. All I gotta do is hit this button and I’m sane again. You’re still nuts!
He’s just trying to get a bj and lay carpet.
“There’s nothing worse than the heavyset people who got no height. That’s….that’s a tough hand. Especially for women. Cuz you think about ‘well, what’s a model,’ okay you’re the opposite.”
–Adam Carolla
The “Crazy bitch sneaks husband’s sperm out of prison to impregnate herself” call is actually on the 2003-10-07 Ben Stein show.
At around 24 minutes in Adam complains about fear factor again, specifically why they have people “chugging cod sperm” and “noshing on goat dong” yet no boob or ass crack.
And then a girl calls in saying she licked a sheeps eyeball. She says she previously called in cuz she ate a live fish.
Dr Drew is lamenting his upcoming surgery. Drew says he found a hummingbird in his house and Adam immediately calls it a bad omen.
At around 1:20:00 a woman does call in who sneaks sperm out of jail in a rubber glove. And boy is she ten kinds of nuts.
God damn that bitch in the prison call is nutty
Adam and Drew’s tiger cub and mole analogy was great. Good episode.
With his blown-out voice, Adam sounds similar to how he does now. Anderson with some solid drop work.