Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003
Guest: Dominic Purcell
Host: Adam, Dr. Drew
Listen to theShow
Show Summary:
From the TV show, "John Doe".
Adam is in Vegas after doing the Howard Stern show, Drew and Dominic are back at Westwood None (2).
Adam discusses his drive out to Vegas and yells at Drew for misunderstanding.
Dominic is promoting John Doe, a short-lived Fox series that was pretty decent.
Dominic discusses having the majority of his role cut out of Mission Impossible 2 and his Journey from Australia.
Drew mentions that he did Good Morning America earlier in the day.
Adam "..Drew you know what you got a brain tumor..no you've been out of it for a week, buddy...you better check yourself before you wreck yourself buddy."
Dominic mentions that his series is "on the bubble" and might not return. Adam mentions how every show that is "on the bubble" is canceled after the cast appears on Loveline (very true).
Adam discusses the events of the Howard Stern show earlier in the day.
Adam mentions the enthusiasm he encounters when discussing Australia with people who have been there and how they encourage him to visit.
Adam mentions how his mother gave him a tip for an alternate work route and how it resulted with him in jail.
1st call from Kenneth a delightful 21 year old man that wants to know if he tells women he's been to prison if it will lessen his chances of getting a girlfriend. Kenneth is awesome, his voice, his affect and his crime all converge into a perfect storm of awesome callerness!
Kenneth must be heard to be believed, Adam, Drew and Dominic all call bogus several times and really put him through the ringer, they all end up believing him and become so interested they keep him on the line and speak to him 4 different times throughout the show.
The show is very good. Dominic is a good guest and Kenneth makes the whole thing an automatic Classic episode.
Kenneth has one of the most macabre calls in Loveline history ranking right up their with old school psychotic roommate calls.
Kenneth's step by step breakdown of his crime is graphic/disturbing and hilarious, every time I hear this call I picture Kenneth breaking into the mausoleum.
Drew cajoles Tara DCMTGD to get on the mic and relay her disgust to Kenneth, she is such a C'.
Adam starts off very calm towards Kenneth and then gets insanely mad similar to what he did to Drew at the beginning of the show.
Kenneth "...I was just wondering...'
Kenneth "..I just spun it off.."
Dominic "...awww dude.."
Drew "..yeah you can do that"
Dominic "..you twisted the head right off?"
Kenneth "...like little worm sacks that were left over.."
Dominic "Whoa"
Adam "..I hope you get run over"
Adam and Drew start the show talking about Drew's "new" book Cracked which is being released on Aug 20th 2003, Adam compliments the new book jacket.
Adam "...alright you ready to rock? Did I give the phone number?...."
The 1st caller inspires Adam to ask Drew why victims make him want to abuse them further, Dr.Drew then comments on that.
Anderson's 1st night back from vacation, Dr. Drew addresses Engineer Michelle for possibly the first time, she had been mentioned but never asked a question on air.
Anderson mocks Drew for still not being able to do a perfect rendition of "Gossip Folks", Adam then tries to get Drew to do it in an operatic tone, Drew gets out a few hilarious bars and then refuses to go on.
Adam comments on his Friday night activities of Drinking and watching Tivo, Drew then gets in his face about his boozing asks Adam if he is trying to force him to send Adam to rehab.
Adam "..it's a little red wine....", Adam goes off on the most recent James Bond film Die Another Day and how ridiculous the villain was, in particular the diamonds in his face.
Adam "...so this guy was like Diamondface....your face is worth like 4 million dollars, tell me someone is not going to get drunk and grab a nail file and pop one out, when you fall asleep".
A professional Dominatrix calls in with a question about her boyfriend, she is considering telling him about her other profession.
Adam and Drew go off on an extended discussion regarding the odd profession of a Dominatrix and the even odder nature of the customers, they reference the ep of LL they did with a pair of Dominatrixes who explained the whole pony play thing to them. Adam and Drew then go off on how sad that is.
Adam and Drew transition back to Die Another Day, Adam "...Orion's belt was in this Gook's forehead...".
Adam and Drew go off on the Villain some more and the ridiculous powder burns on the guys face.
Adam and Drew both give a mini review of Pirates of The Caribbean.
Recording Info:
Size: 0.00 MB
Bitrate: 0kb/s
Awesome show; must listen.
The summary on this page includes a summary from the 08-03-03
Purcell doesn’t add much, but there are some pretty funny calls. That urethra call is nauseating.
classic show. kenneth the head stealer appears. extremely unpleasant urethra call. bit of drew’s horrible radio. adam’s a little drunk. adam likes australia. shame that dominic purcell isn’t a great guest.
Kenneth is disturbingly hilarious!
Dominic is a cool guest
Adam and Drew Rule!
Creepy Kenneth the head stealer calls, who has a strange, bogus quality yet has enough peculiar details to make his story plausible. He creeps out Adam/Drew substantially enough that they bring him up in many shows over the years.
The calls were great. I have to agree with some others that guest was not very good. The best moment with the guest is when Drew asked him is it Dominque or Dominic?
Classic call from Kenneth at 17:00
this show is only ok. adam is broadcasting from Vegas after appearing on a stern show special. he is very cranky and snaps at drew several times. the guest is uninteresting and calls are average aside from kenneth
Kenneth is a excellent/disturbing caller and he alone makes this episode a classic.
The rest of the show is barely pushing mediocre and the guest is a complete dud. There are a few other unusual calls, but mostly this one is ranked so high because a totally serious guy yanks the head of a corpse and wants to know why girls get weirded out by it.
That’s your opinion Benz, how about a little more IMO in the comments, unless it comes from me or UP, shit ain’t gospel.
Some of these shows you need to hear 12 times before you realize how much you’re missing. Purcell is low key but a great guest, Adam is out of studio.
Many reasons this is a 5 star show, most importantly because I said so!
Shit’s gospel. lollerskates.
This episode contains one of Anderson’s finest moments:
Adam to Dominic: “So what was Tom Cruise like?”
Dominic: He’s a really nice guy. Very intense but…”
Drew Drop: “He’s Gay!”
Dominic: “No he’s not.”
Adam: “Drew, please!”
Drew: “I didn’t say that.”
Adam: “C’mon. I heard you say it.”
Drew: “Anderson! Anderson said it with my voice!”
Dominic: “He is SO not gay. That guy is not gay at all.”
It’s one of those “he doth protest too much” moments where you can cut the awkwardness with a knife.
Great radio again from Drew when talking about the catheter call.
Drew: a catherters about this big………..around 2cm
Adam: Thats great radio Drew, first he does the hand thing, then he goes metric on us!!!!
Except that Dear God was originally released in the UK in 1987, so it would be the other way around. Not to mention that it is blasphemous in its nature. The final line: “If there’s one thing I don’t believe in // it’s you.” Not to mention that it’s way more passionate than those you mentioned put together. Minus Alanis, I suppose 😉
This is the strangest episode I’ve ever heard, and I’ve listened to most of them. Everything about it is a little bit off. The fact that they’re in different studios, the Australian guest who speaks with a forced American accent, the caller who twisted off a corpse’s head, the fighting between Adam and Drew, the even more disturbed personalities than usual of the callers. It’s just all so strange. A+, would listen again.
One of my favourite episodes. Dominic is a nice enough guest but hated his fake laugh esp. at Adams jokes
The guest is a nice enough guy, very likable but the real main selling point of the whole episode is the crazy as duck Kenneth call. They basically talk to him the entire night, try to hook him up with one of the crazy chick callers and even let one of them talk to him.
Caller Kenneth is one of the most disturbing calls I’ve ever heard. Good episode.
I remember listening to this live in 2003.
Bizarre show.. Unique, interesting, but don’t need to hear it again.